hi all, I had a D&C 7.5 weeks ago following a MMC and still have no period - I’m in agony with cramps and I feel like I need to have a period. I have all the usual period symptoms but am experiencing excruciating pain (worse than normal x 10!) with no bleed. I was up all night and almost took myself to A&E, can this be normal? Or is there potentially some sort of ‘blockage’ preventing me from bleeding? I just want to move on now 😒Xx
no period 7.5 weeks after D&C - exper... - Fertility Network UK
no period 7.5 weeks after D&C - experiences please
Periods can take a while to go back to normal but I say this incredibly sensitively and because it happened to me but have you had an ultrasound since the d&c or taken a pregnancy test?
It might be that you have retained a tiny bit of tissue that is stopping your body moving on? Or a little infection? I think it’s worth speaking to EPU or your gp if you are in pain with no period.
Hope you feel better soon
Thank you, I did test and it was negative - so I am hoping nothing has remained. Sorry you went through that. I’m wondering if that’s a sort of tissue blockage or something.
something really isn’t right though, it’s an excruciating cramp - really really low down and my abdomen is tender to touch. I just thought I’d have had a period by now, hopefully get some answers soon. I hate all this. Thank you again x

As previous post says can take a little while for periods to go back to whatever is your normal cycle is But it might be an idea to see your GP especially regarding the discomfort you are aware of just to be on the safe side
Hey lovely lady. I would book in with GP or whoever you saw 7.5 weeks ago to report what's going on. You don't want to feel that way and want to get to the bottom of the reason so you can address it. If you are in a lot of pain the urgent care centre are there to go to too so don't feel like you have to suffer through excrutiating physical pain x x
Thank you, I spoke to my doctor and they just said to wait a couple of days an see what happens 😞😞 the EPU that did my surgery are closed now. I’m honestly in so much pain I feel like taking myself to A&E 😦 xx

Sounds like you've already been putting up with this long enough. Honestly go to A & E for help if you are in agonising pain which it sounds like you are x x
Hi my period took about 9 weeks to come back after my D&C. Xx
The first 2 ovulations after mmc were super painful for me. Could be ur finally ovulating and will have ur period in a couple weeks. How long has the pain been going on?
If you're stressed that could contribute too. I lost the embryo on our recent attempt after a positive result literally 2weeks prior to the first scan, thankfully I had a bleed the day after I stopped the meds but also had mega bad cramps aswell as God awful eye & headaches. Nice warm baths helped me with the stomach pains & 2 paracetamol every 4hrs.
Hi Elsiedee87, I don't want to scare you, but I've been doing some reading online and came across details about Asherman's Syndrome and I remembered your post, some of the symptoms sound similar to what you're describing. (adhesions could be blocking your cevix/exit of your uterus and causing you not to be able to expel any menstruation). Best approach a EPAU/A&E and be forceful and say it really needs investigating and you need a scan. Here's the link reproductivefacts.org/news-.... Best wishes x
Thank you, i read this too and I thought the same, my symptoms seem so similar. I’ve been taking codeine and going to push for investigations next week xxx