Looking for hope when it’s thin on the ground. It’s now been over 2.5 years of trying for a sibling every month, I am 43 with low reserve. My husbands sperm analysis is off the charts good, his DNA frag result is borderline high but at our recent urologist appointment we were told the SA results trip everything. I had lap excision for endo in April, have been on a difficult AIP diet since Feb. I’m on my second month of LDN at full dose. I stopped acupuncture as getting to appointments was proving too difficult as it’s a 1.5-2 hour round trip. I’ve been taking bespoke Chinese herbs for a year now. We’ve had two times intercourse cycles, two IUI cycles. My husband has said a hard no to IVF. He’s basically said I need to find a way to accept things are not happening for us and find a way to move on. But I just can’t. I’m debating having more IUI rounds even though the percentage chance is so very low. Looking to hear from anyone whose had success in this situation with natural conception or IUI 😔
Over 40 low AMH + diffuse adeno succe... - Fertility Network UK
Over 40 low AMH + diffuse adeno success stories without IVF??

hey- what’s your husbands issue with IVF? I found it the exact same as a round of medicated IUI except the egg collection part which was completely fine (which he doesn’t have to go through you do) seems a bit unreasonable to me that you go through all these surgeries etc and then he says a hard no to IVF. Sorry I know it’s not the question you asked but I think you know the answer yourself there’s is a small chance of natural conception or IUI but your best bet is probably IVF and I would personally not waste time or money on IUI that you could be using on IVF xx
I’m 100% with you, I don’t understand it either. He says it’s not the money but in the end I think he views it as a big misinformed expensive gamble. We haven’t had a great experience with the two clinics we have used, and this has massively fuelled his opinion. I’d love more than anything to move to IVF. What do I do though if he won’t agree to it…
Have you looked into vitmins etc for your egg quality maybe coq10 etc. at our age it’s all about finding that healthy egg and getting it fertilised so the principles with and without IVF are still the same. Coq10 600mg is what I was taking for 3 months prior to my last egg collection and I’m currently 18 weeks (age 42). It’s sounds like you are doing loads already though xx
I really appreciate any suggestions. I was on all the recommended supplements for two years the first time around, and the same again for over two and a half years now. Alas not the full story for me 😕
Huge congrats on your babe on the way! X

Hi. I assume as you are trying IUI your Fallopian are both patent and free from blockage, so that any lubrication leaking from the tubes can damage a developing embryo.. do you need a womb check for any blips and biopsy the lining. Not too sure about Chinese herbs etc. I think they have a place in medicine but if it was good for fertility, the NHC would be buying them up. Anyhow, whatever you try, I truly wish you well. Diane
Thanks Diane, yes have had a really thorough work up, I had a HyCoSy and then had my tubes flushed at a lap a few months later. I had an MRI prior to lap and my private consultant said that this provided the info that a hysteroscopy would show. I have had antibiotics to cover for endometritis. I hear what you are saying about Chinese herbs, along with acupuncture it’s a case of desperate times, desperate measures….