Well we had our 10 day scan today. I don't feel optimistic 😕 we had 1 large follicle at 18mm, another 3 at 13mm and then 1 at 9mm and 3 under that. The nurse said its unlikely the 4 smaller will grow but they will keep me on stims until Monday for egg collection. We re-scan Saturday. Bit gutted. Was really hoping we might get at least 1 embryo and who knows we might, just not sure what quality it'll be due to my age of 38. We are doing icsi.
My cycle was day 1-6 - 300 meriofert
Day 6 start ganirelix shot
Day 6-13 - 150 meriofert, 150 gonal F, ganirelix shot in the morning.
If we can afford further cycle not sure if the stims will change.. any thoughts?? Xx