So I had my ET last Tuesday (6dp5dt) and I’m still not really feeling any symptoms apart from maybe a bit of bloating and the odd twinge. I’ve seen a lot of people have been complaining of sore boobs after transfer which I haven’t ha at a. Am I destined for a BFN or has anybody else had a BFP with no significant symptoms? (As you can tell I’m starting to drive myself a bit mad already and still a week to go until test day!) 😕
6dp5dt and no symptoms : So I had my ET... - Fertility Network UK
6dp5dt and no symptoms

I didn’t have any symptoms in my 2ww and was convinced that I was going to have a negative result but I got a positive
Good luck for the next week
And hoping you get a positive result x
I hardly had any symptoms and got a BFP last week. I had the odd cramp each day and the occasional mild twinge in my boobs but my symptoms were less than I get before my period! Even now I have mild PMT symptoms. You never know until you test...which doesn’t help much!! Good luck xx
I'm 9dp5dt and my boobs hurt one minute and then they feel fine, but they've been hurting since I started with the pill in February. It's only the drugs that are doing that though. Today they don't hurt! Lol. I feel a bit of dull ache in my belly. I wouldn't worry too much, although hard not to, cos a lot of stuff can be just side affects from the progesterone pessaries. Good luck xx
Having no symptoms at all is completely normal. My daughter got her BFP on Saturday and when she had my grandson, no symptoms at all so try not to worry xxxx
I didn’t have any symptoms apart from ever so slightly sore boobs off and on, no cramping, twinges, nothing and my hcg was nice and high. It’s perfectly normal not to have any symptoms, it’s so tiny. Good luck!!! I won’t say relax as i know that impossible xxx

Thank you 😊 x
Hi SES84, I didn’t have any symptoms during my 2ww and still don’t and I’m now six weeks. Every woman’s body is different and reacts differently. Wishing you the best of luck xx
Hey SES84, did you have your beta done? Mine is this Wednesday, currently 6dp5dt and no symptoms either! So nervous!