Hi ladies,I am a bit desperate for help...
I am 2 weeks away from my next FET and on estrogen pills...
I am feeling really ill, terrible mostly non stop headache, dizziness, nausea all pretty bad...
I had similar symptoms before but they got much worse since...
And reading the leaflet that comes with the medication doesnt help... it says to stop taking it if you have bad headaches but I asked my clinic and they said it must be something else as I had the same pills on my last (partly successful) FET but that was 2 years ago...
And now I am reading more about estrogen and it says that too much of it can stop implantation and cause cancer too... 😳
I am so confused and don't know what to do... don't want to take less (I am on 8mg) in case something else causing it but don't want to make things worse...
Please if you have any comment please share as I am driving myself mad... 🙏