Currently 1dp5dt, have Lubion added in this time. How does everyone space out their progesterone medication? I've been taking utrogestan every 8 hours, (6.30, 2.30 and 10.30) but once adding in the lubion wonder whether I should have a dose of something, whether it be lubion or pessary every 6 hours-so for example, pessary at 6am, lubion at 12, pessaries at 6pm and as close to midnight as possible?What does everyone do?
Lubion and utrogestan : Currently 1dp... - Fertility Network UK
Lubion and utrogestan

Best check with your clinic/Dr as this is worrying you about the timings etc They are aware of your history blood results etc and should be able to advice you about the meds/timings Hope it helps put your mind at ease and reduces your stress levels
Take care
I just take my lubion with my last pessary clinic says it doesn’t matter what time for the injection as long as you stick to that time after you’ve started it so I wouldn’t move it now personally 🤗 the pessary should be spaced in the way your clinic told you though I think you aren’t meant to take them to close together. For example I take 2 pessaries 12 hours apart (8am-8pm) again clinic said it doesn’t matter if it’s 7am-7pm or 9am-9pm as long as I have the same gap in between and do the same time every day or as close to it as possible. Hope that helps xx 🤗
Hi Bluehydrangeas, I think I took my uteogestan at 7am, 2pm and 9pm and then took my Lubion at bedtime. I think as long as you space it out regularly it doesn’t matter too much on timings. Best of luck.