Hello my lovely support team. I'll try and keep this rotten history of mine very very brief.......43 years old, all embryos created between 40-42. Trying since I was 36. Just one natural chemical at 41yo.
So far, 5 failed transfers of 6 good-decent embryos. All bfn, no chemicals or anything else. 4 collections, numbers dwindling each time.
I've had icsi, scratches, SiS scan, 20mg steroids, lubion added, era (need day 4 tfr), Emma, Alice (taking probiitics for lactobacillus) and mix of fresh and frozen transfers but all medicated. Also had reflexology and acupuncture. Haven't done pga, not convinced by it but even if I was, haven't got enough blasts per cycle to justify it.
Having my review soon after my last failure which has hit me like a truck. I desperately want him to throw everything at me, but there are so many options my head is spinning. Aspirin, hysteroscopy, ivig, pga, natural tfr etc etc. All is see is time and money.. ....
I've one embryo left and then I need to decide on donor or another chance at my own eggs. But I'm worried that even donor won't ever work cause there's just something wrong with me. I can't get anything to implant never mind stick around.
Recurrent implantation failure is gut wrenching. Not even getting out of the starting blocks is so hopeless and heartbreaking. It's such a lonely place.
I'd love to hear your success stories and tell me what you think helped please!
And also views on if I'm too old and too broken to try again with my own eggs
Full history in my bio
Thanks everyone. Id be lost without this support group. Please give me hope Xxxx