Hi everyone,
looking for some feedback on implantation failure and whether there’s anything I can do or if the failure is more likely from Embryo quality.
I’ve had two double embryo transfers with my own eggs (collected at age 37/38- two batches of 4 and 5 a month either side of my 38th birthday) and collected at 39). Both times I had a BFN on test day. I then changed clínics and to double embryos. Egg donor was 28. We got 16 eggs, fertilised 12 and from those 12 got a 3BB, 4BB, 5BC and 3BC). Before the transfer I had a hysteroscopy which showed a polyp which was removed. They then transferred the 3BB which also ended with a BFN. I’ve since done some blood tests to test for clotting and autoimmune conditions and all have come back normal. All of my transfers have been controlled. I’ve spoken to the doctor about doing natural but as I live overseas he prefers controlled as it’s easier to manage. I’m about to do my next transfer in a few weeks.
Seeking your wealth of experience incase there’s anything I am missing here or if there are other investigations I can ask for. I’ve never tested positive so worries that there’s an implantation problem given I’ve used both my own eggs but also younger donor eggs now too.
Thankyou 🙏