Implantation failure advice please - Fertility Network UK

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Implantation failure advice please

Forever_trying profile image
10 Replies

Morning ladies, just after some implantation failure advice please. I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure at aged 33. My husband also has male factor infertility. We have had 3 failed ivf cycles using my own eggs- all failed to grown blastocysts. Used donor egg cycle in Aug using my husband’s sperm. From 11 mature good quality eggs from a lovely young donor (who’d successful made other recipients pregnant in the past) only one blastocyst was produced and this failed to implant. Clinic suggested double donation (donor eggs and sperm). We went ahead with this in Nov. Four “good quality” blastocysts (which is fab), had one transferred but bfn. Seems we may have the hat trick of fertility (male factor, poor egg reserve and implantation issues). Any advice on what tests I could have? Anyone been in a similar situation? Thank you x

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10 Replies

Oh how difficult for you. Have you had the thrombophilia panel of blood tests? That tests for blood clotting issues. I had one result with slightly raised lupus so this time took baby aspirin and currently 9 weeks. Xx

Forever_trying profile image
Forever_trying in reply to

Thanks for replying. No- not yet but I will chat to my consultant at our follow up appointment about it.

Camillage do u still take aspirin now?

in reply to

I am at the moment. My clinic said they didn't think I needed it but it was up to me to Take it or not. Going to wait to see what midwife says. But I really want to get to the 12 week mark first x

in reply to

I’ve been taking it too not sure wether to stop or not

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I've been told it doesn't do any harm.

E_05 profile image

Have you thought about having your NK cells tested or spoke to your consultant about taking steroids to help implantation. I spoke to my consultant and didn’t have my NK cells tested but he agreed we could try prednisolone, after 2 mmc and 2 unsuccessful cycles I’m sure taking them is what made the difference this cycle. I hope you get some answers soon, sorry for all you’re going through xx

Forever_trying profile image
Forever_trying in reply to E_05

Thank you for your kind words and advice. Yes, been reading about NK cells. Not too sure about the medical evidence and research behind it (can’t find much) but i’ve read lots of stories from women who have been tested and treated and been successful so it’s definitely worth looking in to x

AnnieAnnie profile image

Hey there I seem to have had a hatrick myself! I have low AMH, tested positive for the c4m2 variation and had below normal uNK cells. I take clexane on my cycles for the c4m2 (and if I'm (ever) successful with a bfp, i have to continue taking it up to 6 weeks post birth as I'm the carrier of the faulty gene). It appears having the first biopsy for the uNK Cells "reset" my endometrium and I came out with a normal reading on my second biopsy. I started my 3rd IVF cycle last week so it will be interesting to find out whether all this will help as I've never been pregnant. In relation to the natural killer cells apparenrly it's better to look at the utrine natural killer cells. My consultant said that the medical evidence in relation to the blood test for natural killer cells is poor and the rest is a waste of money but for the biopsies of the utrine lining there is a lot more happening with this and if you read up about the differences (if you've not already done so) it is quite interesting xx

AnnieAnnie profile image
AnnieAnnie in reply to AnnieAnnie

In relation to the c4m2 probably not a lot of people know this but it's common. The below is taken from the Care Fertility website.

"Also, it appears that this abnormality is not uncommon as was initially thought with an incidence rate of 22% in couples going through IVF and 15% in the general population. If either the man or the woman is a carrier of this genetic variation they have almost 75% chance of not having a live birth!!"

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