Hello, hope you are all doing ok. We’ve had a 3rd failed FET this weekend and pretty devastated (2nd transfer was a very early loss a few days after OTD), they were all “top” quality blastocyst, so I think by definition that counts as RIF. We’d had 4 chemicals before starting IVF.
I just wondered what, if anything, your clinics offered after having RIF? Were there investigations you were given or did you have to seek these out separately? Was there anything you pushed for which then helped? I don’t think my clinic offer anything, but I’m sure others do. I have seen NHS leaflets online of blood tests some clinics offer, antibody testing, etc.
I’ve had a hysteroscopy but that was before all my miscarriages. My results from the Coventry implantation clinic all came back normal. I’m on heparin and extra progesterone. I’ve tried EmbryoGlue each time and 2 endo scratches.
Half of me wants to give it all up today, but the other half wants to leave no stone unturned and try and get to the bottom of it.
Thank you for any help you can give me! Xx