Just reaching out for views/advice, appreciate no one here can give medical advice but my clinic in Cyprus is closed, they are in bed!
the clinic have been quite lazy this time around on my last precious cycle, they have given me no plan, so I had no advance warning of when to scan get blood tests. After prodding them Yesterday, they ordered me to get my second scan today which proved difficult so last minute and around work. Anyhow the upshot is I got a scan at 7.30pm this eve and it feels like I should be triggering tonight., some quite big follicles which I fear I will lose, but I can’t ask my clinic now they are in bed. They said earlier today that because I hadn’t had the scan by the time the closed today we’ll just delay trigger but it feels quite like guesswork… follicle sizes are in the photo , , for all those who have done this a few times and are a bit geeky when it comes to the numbers, would you agree I should be triggering tonight, love to hear anyone’s thoughts… don’t want to go ahead with trigger tomorrow if it’s going to all be too late…
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and my love and thoughts for anyone else battling through ❤️