Anyone else in for collection Monday? As long as my covid test the clinic have done comes back negative today I will be triggering tonight for collection Monday.
I’m super nervous for what they might collect as I seem to have a few follicles that are huge (22-24mm) and about 5 that weren’t quite ready at my scan yday so they have asked me to take my stims this morning in the hope it pushes the smaller ones forward but the larger ones not too much (think we’ve all accepted we’ve lost the biggest 24 at this point though as it will be ‘too mature’).
It’s such a different scenario to last time where all my follicles were pretty much the same size and pace and they got 13 eggs (6 embryos) but this time (4 years later) looking like less than half that egg wise 😬 AMH is the same but clearly being an old fart now does make a difference 🤣 hopefully still get that ‘one’ for transfer 🤞🏽
Good luck to anyone else going through egg collection soon, I forgot how stressful it is 🤪 xx