Hi All
Not sure what support I'm looking for in this community but all and any advice or experiences you can share will really help me stay in positive. Also, apologies in advance for long post.
I'm 40yrs old with AFC-3 and AMH 1.6pmol/l. The test were done in Dec. I have been in a platonic marriage for 15years but as the biological clock ticks and I started giving more thought about having a family in my future I decided to get check ups done overseas when I was on vacation (also due to cost).
I was told by this overseas clinic that my AMH was very low and probably I'm in perimenopause already as I mentioned about irregular periods (3 or 4 days and comes as early as 22days sometimes). When I got back to UK I approached the nearest IVF centre, had discussions and based on reports they had same views and asked to start cycle immediately.
So, my first IVF cycle was in Feb 2024 and I was on short protocol with Ovaleap, Meriofert and fyremadel (Antagonist). My first scan was on day 7 and there were 8 follicles. 2 were 13mm and 18mm and remaining less than 6mm. Day 9 scan: the nurse measured 25mm so ruled that out as a cyst and all the other follicles had started to decrease in size. Day 11 scan the follicle had further reduced in size and so they did blood test to check my LH levels which came back as elevated and so they said I had ovulated. The first IVF cycle was cancelled. The doctor asked me to wait out in March and come back in April when they would change the protocol.
So my second IVF cycle started in April and this time one of the medication changed and I had Clomid, Ovaleap and Fyremadel. I had done the urine-stick test in March to see when I ovulate and it was Day 7 of my period cycle so with this additional information in picture the clinic called me in for Day 2 baseline scan. The cyst was still there and it was >25 but I also had 8 follicles again with 7 being <6 and one follicle was 10. They also bought forward my fyremadel (antagonist) injection to stop me from ovulating. Day 4 scan : leading follicle that was now 14mm and others still <6mm. Day 7 scan: leading was 18mm and rest still <6. Day 9 scan: the leading follicle was missing but other follicles were now growing although still <10mm. The clinic suspected I may have pre maturely ovulated again so they did blood test and it was confirmed. So this cycle had to be cancelled again.
The consultant themselves were in a bit of shock on how both my cycles went. I've been asked to come back in June for another trial. They think my body might not be responding to the antagonist and so are suggesting for agonist.
I am trying hard to not let these setbacks upset me but I will be honest that there are fewer days when I am able to pull myself together and think positively. Most days I just feel like crying and not talking to anyone. When I'm not in office and distracted by work, I either stress eat, or binge googling about IVF and getting pregnant and all my issues or binge watch TV in trying not to overthink or be stressed about this setbacks. I find it difficult to speak on this with my husband. We are just not on same page emotionally.
With ageing parents who have number of health issues it is very difficult to discuss the details and I have never discussed with friends the insides of my married life for many reasons.
Although I will pursue the June IVF cycle as I just don't know what else I can do given my husband and I just don't get physically involved.
But my heart is sinking everyday and I feel a bit lost on how I manage these ups and downs with my mood. My period hasn't arrived after the cycle was cancelled earlier this month and it is only Day 24 but I don't know if I should be happy that the length of my cycle is getting longer or be wary that the luteal phase is longer than desirable given I might have ovulated on Day 7 or 8. Or has my period stopped completely. Just don't know what to make out of my situation any more
Sorry for venting about all my issues but I'm overwhelmed and can't see light at the end of tunnel right now. Welcome any thoughts, advice or experiences you can share🙏