Advice please, on two cancelled cycles - Fertility Network UK

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Advice please, on two cancelled cycles

Queg profile image
18 Replies

Thanks to everyone on here, would appreciate any advice.I have cancelled my second IVF cycle due to poor response to meds. First cycle was short protocol, Menopur and Cyclogest resulted in two follicles of required size. As I am 40 consultant suggested to cancel and try again on what I thought would be a different protocol. Second cycle was looks like short protocol again, with Suprecur and Gonal F, one follicle of req size. Was told with a straight face that we would be extracting and going with the one follicle. I think it is madness to expect a viable pregnancy from one follicle. Am I correct? Cancelled the cycle again.

I have a meeting with the consultant on Thursday and I'm not sure what I can ask. Firstly, I normally have a late scan 2-3 days before the final scan by which time it's too late to do anything about the follicles not growing. Is it reasonable to ask for an early scan and have them adjust the meds during the cycle? Should this have been done and can meds be changed in this way?

Another question is, can and should I ask to go on a long protocol if short isn't working? Was told my AMH is normal for age (almost 41 now) I am not sure why I was put on what looks like the short protocol again.

Is there anything else I should be asking?


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Queg profile image
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18 Replies
Orangeflowers profile image

Sorry to hear this. What dose meds are you on? If they're already high, there's less potential to increase. I've always had short protocol over 40

Queg profile image
Queg in reply to Orangeflowers

Hi Orangeflowers I was on Gonal F 300. I will keep this in mind when talking with the consultant, had kind of assumed I could take more if required. Thank you.

km307 profile image

I’m just starting my second cycle at 43, first was at 40, and both have been long cycle with suprecur and gonal f / ovaleap. I’ve never heard of suprecur being used on short cycle. My clinic recommend long cycle for older women, or lower amh (mine is about 8, was 18 on last cycle).

What dose of gonal f were you on? I’m going to be on max (450) this time round. I would def ask about a change of protocol and / or dose.

Queg profile image
Queg in reply to km307

Hi km307,Thanks for letting me know about Suprecur on short. I was stimming for 12 days which sounds short to me, and I asked the nurse if it was the same as the first and she said yes, but she was the same who said to transfer one follicle with a straight face so wouldnt be surprised is she was wrong. I will make sure and clarify the protocol with the consultant and not go guns ablazing. I was on 300 Gonal F, so not the max clearly. Again surprising seeing as how I responded so poorly first time. Thanks for the advice I will ask about the dose and protocol as you advised and why it wasnt upped. Hope it works out for you this time

km307 profile image
km307 in reply to Queg

12 days isn’t an unusual length of time for stims, I only did them for that long on my first cycle, and have drugs for 12 days this time too. I had progress scans on days 7, 9 and 11 though, and my dose was increased for the last two days. Did they not do any earlier scans? That def isn’t right.

Queg profile image
Queg in reply to km307

I have checked the paperwork. Stimmed for 10 days. Starting from period day 1, baseline scan on day 3 followed by progress scans at days 10 and 12. No increase in dose offered. At day 12 told to go for surgery. I did question why not keep stimming, was told we will lose the one follicle and not sure if the others will start growing with the meds. Thanks for your response km. The consultant has a lot to answer in this coming meeting. I will push for an early scan/meds adjustment and better monitoring. The way they were its like meds adjustment was a no no. I see I can ask for meds adjustment, thanks to this forum. Thank you.

Kichwaa profile image
Kichwaa in reply to km307

I actually conceived with suprefact on short cycle.I got 4 eggs but only fertilised one,day 3 embryo which resulted into splitted eggs,identical twins but died because of preclampsia.

Queg profile image
Queg in reply to Kichwaa

I am so sorry for your loss. Kichwaa. Thank you for sharing your experience with with me.

Queg profile image

I am grateful for the support and responses I received on here. Uploading a copy of my folliculogram, showing the progress/lack thereof of my folliciles. This cycle was cancelled as only one follicle reached the requisite size. Everyone here is going through their own bit, with their own problems. Hoping it gives someone some hope in their own situation at least.

Images are hidden by default on this community.

Gerbear22 profile image

Hi there.I had success with 2 follicles and now have an 11 week old baby girl.I was on gonal f and menopur first cycle(3 follicles 3 eggs and 2 embryos)and pergoveris and cetrotide second cycle(5 follicles-one far to small 2 smaller and empty and 2 correct size)I was always on short protocol.Stimming for 8 days first cycle and 9 days second cycle.Age 40 for both cycles.Even though on baseline scan I had 10 follicles I was always a poor responder.xx

Queg profile image
Queg in reply to Gerbear22

Hi Gerbear, Thanks for your response. I was beating myself up over what to do when the next cycle comes around and I have little to show for it, wondering if I'm crazy to go in for surgery with such a small number and not a world of money to spend. It might not happen to me, but at least I know I will not be naive going in with one or two, which I will do next time around if I manage to get them. It's so heartbreaking when you spend thousands on meds, only for it to not work. Congrats on your little one and thanks again.❤️

Ganges profile image

Hi I’m 40 and always been on a short protocol, max drug strength. 450 pergoveris (they seem to like that over 40, might be worth asking?). Last time we had nothing to transfer, I never have a great number of eggs unfortunately. So trying a long protocol as a last roll of the dice. It’s so hard to figure out what to push for sometimes. Good luck, but defo ask the questions if the clinic why the same protocol and drugs? x

Queg profile image
Queg in reply to Ganges

Thanks Ganges. I'm sorry it hasn't worked out for you. I have 6 follicles in both ovaries and was told not going to get anymore. I will ask and come back here and report what they have said. Hope things work out for you.

Eswyn profile image

I’ve experienced cancelled cycles due to being a poor responder, but each time the clinic tried something different. 1st cycle was long protocol on 150 Gonal and 150 Menopur, which was then upped to 450 Menopur after first few scans showed low response. 2nd cycle was also long protocol but much lower dose 150 Meriofert. 3rd cycle was short protocol 300 Gonal F & 75 Luveris and that was the first time we had an embryo to transfer. For my cycles I prepped by taking the vitamins recommended in ‘It starts with Egg’ and my clinic asked me to take testosterone gel for a month. I know other clinics recommend human growth hormone to improve quality and quantity of eggs, so it may be worth asking about that. Wishing you the best of luck!

Queg profile image
Queg in reply to Eswyn

Thank you Eswyn. I can see now that the clinic can do more for me. Your clinic seems to be giving you personalised attention and actively doing their best for you. I get the feeling mine has been just lazy and going through the motions, and they are not cheap. I am using a sattelite branch of a clinic that markets themselves as the best in the country. This is the third clinic I am on now and I chose to pay more to use them. The first was private in an NHS clinic which is never a good idea, and the second went bust and dropped me. Unfortunately I can't switch clinics again and start over, but I would if I could. I am taking notes and will pose these things everyone has raised to the consultant on Thursday before I pass final judgement on them. And of course rport back on here on what they said. Thanks again.

Iloveevie profile image

Hi. I don't know your individual circumstances but whenever I've had 1 follicle we've cancelled the cycle and tried at home, using the trigger drug so we can time things. Seemed to me like a decent gamble rather than going through surgery for 1 follicle x

Queg profile image
Queg in reply to Iloveevie

Thanks iloveevie, it's good to know someone else doesn't think I'm crazy. Hope everythign works out for you.

Queg profile image

I'm coming on here to paraphrase what was said in my meeting with the consultant, Hopefully it will help someone. Essentially the IVF medication will not help me create any more follicles, it can only help me grow whatever follicles I do have. He offered, without me prompting, to change the Gonal F up to the maximum dose - 450 but explained there is no guarantee that the higher dose will work better and scientifically speaking there is little difference between 350 and 450, although it may help some women. (I'm also thinking an even higher cost for the meds). He also offered to use an oestrogen 'primer'. He then suggested donor eggs.

And there it is, the thing that a lot of us are dreading to hear.

After I asked about his experiences, he said some women in my situation don't continue a third round of stimming and go straight for donor eggs, while some feel that they need to do all they can and go for another round. He said either option is justified. However, if I did go for stimming and cancel the next round due to not enough follicles, it did not make any sense to have another stim round as I won't get anything different, and I should consider using donor eggs for anytime thereafter. He also said sadly finances is a factor as there are cost savings of not going for another stim round.

My amh last year at 40 was 8.75 and he offered for me to take another amh test and will call me to discuss what the results mean, if it will help me make my decision if to abandon using my own eggs or not.

To clarify, I was in fact put on a different (long) protocol to the first one - the nurse was wrong. I did not ask about early scans and changing meds like I said I would as I cannot go on a higher dose anyway.

Although I am typing this here it hasn't really hit me. It hit me when I saw only one good follicle on the folliculogram and I busted out crying as soon as the nurse left us alone. But now I feel quite numb.

I know no one ever deserves this, I'm not suggesting anyone does. I've done everything right, no smoking, no drinking, balanced diet, gym, I look 10 years younger without even trying, but on the inside I'm 10 years older than I should be. I'm angry at bigpharma for making meds that don't work on me and charging me so much money for something that's useless to me. I'm angry at myself for doing the sensible thing and waiting for 36 and financial stability before starting my family, then the lockdown, then the clinic going bust, then finally reaching to the point where it's too late. Should have just started earlier and let the welfare state take care of us like everybody else does.

Not even sure why I'm ranting on here, it's nice to get out the things I can't say where no one knows me.

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