I had a scan today to check my lining was thick enough (it wasn’t last week). It’s now 8.6mm which I’m very pleased about. However she did find fluid in there. I’m scheduled my transfer on Tuesday 27th unless on Monday at my next scan the fluid hasn’t shifted. If the fluid is still present the whole thing gets cancelled. I’m pretty sure that the same thing happened last time and it was ok by the time transfer day happened. I’m starting my progesterone this evening. Fingers crossed all will be okay x
update- fluid in womb : I had a scan... - Fertility Network UK
update- fluid in womb

hey, great news about the thickness. I just wanted to offer some reassurance. I had 7 cyckes cancelled last year due to fluid and thin lining but mainly the fluid as the lining was just about acceptable at 7.5ish. Anyway once they started introducing progesterone the fluid disappeared every time for the next 3 cycles so I’m confident that your fluid will be gone for your transfer. Good luck xxx
Thanks, that is reassuring 🙂. She said the progesterone would most probably sort it but the nurse said “don’t get your hopes up too much”. I’m amazed you had 7 cancelled transfers! How did you keep your sanity? X
I don’t think I have lol then after the 7 cancelled 3 failed 😞 we had a terrible experience with a clinic and feeling relieved now it’s all over as we have found a wonderful new clinic and I start a new cycle tomorrow. I will have to feeeze all as I have no rubella immunity so will need MMR and another 12 wk delay (which the old ckinic knew about and didn’t even address) but trying to stay positive. Sending you sticky hope and prayers xxx
What a horrible thing to say by the nurse! The progesterone should get the job done. Hope it all goes well for you. Good luck!
The dr was more positive. She seemed very chilled about it. I’d rather get my hopes up than spend a week worrying about something that hasn’t even happened. She was definitely trying to be helpful and to manage my expectations. I reckon the transfer will happen but if it doesn’t I will handle it x
Hi how are you? I'm in for egg retrieval tomorrow.
Yesterday they found a dot of fluid in the uterine lining. She didn't worry about it much the retrieval is going for tomorrow.
I hope it doesn't make our chance less. 😕
Hey! How did your retrieval go? I can’t imagine that the fluid would matter ahead of retrieval but if it was present on transfer day they wouldn’t likely move ahead. My fluid resolved itself with progesterone and the transfer went ahead. It didn’t work this time but they think it’s likely just that the embryo wasn’t viable rather than anything else. Xx