I’m doing my trigger shot tomorrow ahead of retrieval on Tues. I have 30 follicles all of varying sizes (biggest 20mm, smallest is 6mm). I was initially on 75iu of Meriofert and 150 bemfola. They reduced the bemfola to 75 and now for my last day I have been told not to do the Bemfola. I am high risk for OHSS. Today in the scan she said there was a tiny bit of fluid in the cavity. I am wondering what fluid in the cavity indicates and if I should expect to not have a fresh transfer because my ovaries are too responsive? Also, does anyone have any tips on what to do to prepare for retrieval day?
Tips ahead of retrieval and fluid in ... - Fertility Network UK
Tips ahead of retrieval and fluid in cavity

Hi! I am sorry to hear about the fluid in the cavity. That indicates OHSS and your clinic will probably advise you to do a freeze-all for your safety and that of your embies. I was in a very similar situation - 32 follicles collected, high risk of OHSS, change of trigger. I insisted on trying for a fresh cycle but sure enough, on the day it was supposed to take place they found fluid and the pains started. I was advised by my clinic to be on a protein-high diet (apparently protein helps absorb the extra fluid), including a few protein shakes/protein yoghurts per day. A hot water bottle helped too. Good luck with the egg retrieval and I hope the OHSS resolves easily! Mine lasted only for a few days until my period came after the cycle and settled all hormones. We did two FETs afterwards and I was really glad we waited. My body felt so much more prepared for it and no risk of OHSS with those!
Thanks so much for this it really confirms my suspicions and means I can be mentally prepared for if they say “it’s not happening this time”. She said the fluid was tiny yesterday. I wonder if I up my protein today whether I can offset this before egg collection. I also read that coconut water helps. So I could have protein shakes with coconut water. I am already eating a lot of Skyrr which is high protein and I have a protein bar most mornings but I definitely don’t always hit super high amounts because I don’t eat meat. Out of interest, out of your 32 eggs how many of them fertilised? I am thinking some of mine might be over matured by Tuesday because they seem to grow fast and some were 19 and 20 mm already.
You are very welcome! It is a good idea to prepare yourself mentally. It is really hard to but having gone through mild OHSS, I really don't think it is worth risking the moderate to severe one which can develop with a successful fresh transfer because the doubling HCG makes it worse...Out of the 32 follicles, 18 were mature, 12 fertilised, 3 were frozen at day 5 and 3 at day 6. Very best of luck! I hope you get many embies
Yes I am not interested in developing OHSS so if they suggest to freeze all I will jump at that option even though ideally I would like to get this done asap. I have read a bit about OHSS and it’s been enough to put me off pushing for anything other than what they think is best. Best of luck to you too with your journey and well done on getting some solid embryos! Thanks again!
Wow 30 follicles is loads! Hope you get some good eggs.
In terms of retrieval prep...i would wear something comfy so no tight jeans or leggings for after. They say no perfume and I would not even use perfumed soap etc as you just don't want to worry about it. No makeup, no perfume, no body lotion etc - super natural! There isn't really anything else you need to prep
Thanks very much for your kind words and advice. I am going to wear a tshirt and jogging bottoms. I’ll shower with Sanex or something and no perfume etc. I did my trigger shot this evening, so glad I didn’t mess that one up. Yeah I have a high reserve, whether any of the eggs are viable options remains to be discovered but I am feeling optimistic 🤞🏻
Yeah I've got Simple shower wash too so no scent. It all happens so quickly tbh...you get there, do the questionnaire, have a chat, get changed, have the needle thing fitted in your hand and that's it! I got this wave of nerves when walking into theatre, but you have to just remember you're in expert hands and then you lie down and are knocked out lol. And then it feels like you wake up a minute later and it's over! I am doing my trigger shot later this evening too it's a pressure not to mess it up isn't it lol. I am 37 and got 14 follicles so wow I cannot even imagine 30....
I think I too might be nervous. I don’t like being out of control so I’m slightly nervous about the being sedated part but I am going to just go with the flow as much as possible and try and enjoy it 😂. So your retrieval is on Tuesday too? How many times have you tried IVF so far? I have polycystic ovaries apparently (hence the high count) but no symptoms aside from the occasional “chin pube”😆. My partner has an extremely low sperm count, morphology and motility so we’re doing ICSI.
I am doing egg freezing so it's slightly different in that I don't go the full way with fertilising, but this is my third round of egg freezing. I wish I had a partner and was doing IVF...but just trying to give myself an insurance policy! Yep I am in on Tuesday too I actually find all the worrying beforehand about are we doing bad things worse...like after trigger i feel like oh i can't lift things can't hoover as what if the eggs burst lol. probably impossible but i worry!
That’s such a good idea. If I were single I would be doing the same as it takes the pressure off of finding someone and moving at a pace that might feel rushed. I went to the toilet before and was fearful that I might push too hard and ovulate 😂😂😂😂. I am sure it can’t happen really. Best of luck for Tuesday!
Yeah I feel the same I just don't even want to go out the last few days!! And also can you go to the tube on the way to the clinic as I always have and then thought oh god what if i pass someone with perfume on?!
I have been out today. I went for a walk around Hyde Park and then went for dinner. I will go for a walk again tomorrow. I am normally really active so I am just walking instead of going to the gym. I don’t think the perfume thing on the tube would matter but who knows?! Today on the tube two men were having an argument and I moved just in case it got physical and one of them fell on to me. I didn’t want to risk them popping my massive ovaries 😂. I’m fully aware this is ridiculous but I couldn’t risk them being near my womb 😂
I'm sure it can't as otherwise the clinic would say but it's another thing to get paranoid about lol! I can completely imagine me doing the same, we are carrying around precious cargo!! Fingers crossed for us both, you will def get more eggs than me!!