Had a scan for my upcoming FET but looks like it may have to be cancelled yet again - this time due to fluid in the uterus! I have until next Thursday when they are going to scan me again and plan from there but I’m not sure there’s anything I can do about it ?!
Fluid in uterus !!: Had a scan for my... - Fertility Network UK
Fluid in uterus !!

Hi honey,
what do you mean by Fluid in uterus . i am having fluid in POD but they said ok to start the treatment ? and I think last time also I had.
I also get the excess fluid. I really do feel for you. Drink lots and lots of water because it’s meant to help x
I can’t offer any advice but wanted to say good luck to you xx
I had this and have my cycle cancelled over and over again until they finally did a hysteroscopy and removed a polyp. Hoping it’s more straightforward for you x
Once they removed the polyp did you stop getting fluid?i have had 3 fet cycles due to fluid and have just started a cycle following having a polyp removed and am so anxious about having the fluid again..my scan is booked for 7th jan x
Like pp have said just keep drinking! I had this last year before my fet and it did reduce enough for transfer so you still have time. Supposedly this can happen with oestrogen support so try not to worry to much. Best of luck. X