I came across a thread earlier and just wanted to see what the general consensus is as I'm a little baffled last year I had a an awful experience a year later decided to have another go of icsi, but I'm cautious. I had a cancer scare whilst starting my stims resulting in egg collection only being taken from one side 3 eggs collected on day 5 and a good embryo but due to awaiting results it was frozen got the all clear and 2 months later in had my fet. My miracle embryo got to test day and I was pregnant couldn't believe my luck I called my clinic and was told to stop the pesserys, I know every person clinic person different but I'm seeing that if you had a frozen transfer u shud be taking them until 12 weeks anyone who has frozen transfer stopped or carried on?I can't change the past but it jus be interesting to see what others did in that scenario. IV found a new consultant this time it's being self funded and want to get it right but informed me on my last zoom that the egg collection wud be done at the place I been before which I wanted to avoid I don't know what to think and will prob be starting next month thank u
Progesterone pesserys?: I came across a... - Fertility Network UK
Progesterone pesserys?

Hope you get some replies to your post - as you say there are some differences between clinics . Could you maybe discuss your concerns about medication with your new consultant - also mention about your previous experience at the clinic .
Take care of yourself
It’s my understanding that for a frozen transfer the only way to get progesterone to support the pregnancy is via pessaries or injection and clinics will usually go to 12 weeks with these but can be stopped from 10 as that is when the placenta starts to take over. Good luck x
This is how my clinic works- fresh transfer fine to stop progesterone but not in a frozen one unless it was a natural frozen or natural modified ie you didn’t have any down regulation such as prostrap or burselin as then the clinic take over your cycle and you need to have eostrogen tablets and progesterone pessaries and/or injections as your body isn’t producing it itself until week 8 when placenta takes over (our clinic stay on until week 12 just to be safe) my advice would be to ask LOTS of questions this time around to make sure you know what’s going on as I used to just go with the clinic but no one is as invested in this as you are so sometimes we have to advocate for ourselves. On the same lace for egg collection maybe reframe it in your mind as the place that did bring you a miracle embryo that did stick (although was not to be!) so hopefully it holds some luck for you xx