Hello! This is my first post on here, and having just (almost) completed my first IVF cycle yesterday, I wanted to find out if anyone else has got to the day of extraction to be told they have already ovulated? I was taken into the room for extraction but told they wanted to scan me first as they had concerns from blood tests taken on Friday that ovulation was near/may have happened (I had been told to take ibuprofen 3 times a day from Friday evening). I am 33 with a very egg count - AMH level (3.4). Scans initially showed two follicles from stims - one optimum size and one around 14mm that they were hoping would catch up by egg collection day. Unfortunately the bigger follicle could not be found yesterday - I was told I had ovulated. The smaller follicle (16mm) was being blocked by a vessel so he didn’t want to go ahead with that either. Obviously super disappointed.
The feedback on the day was to ‘go home and have sex’ - so my question is.. does trying to conceive naturally after all the injections increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally compared to trying pre injections?