Hello, I'm booked in for my first scan next week but am worried about some gentle aches I've been having, mostly on my left side. Before receiving a BFP, this is where I first felt the first twinges. Can anyone advise if this is just a normal part of very early pregnancy? I've had no spotting or anything else worrying. I can phone the clinic on Monday but was hoping for some reassurance before then. Thank you!
5wks2days Concerns: Hello, I'm booked... - Fertility Network UK
5wks2days Concerns

Hi, You will get aches especially on the sides as your ligaments stretch, so try not to worry. I know it's easier said than done, but it is normal.
Good luck.
I had very similar concerns at 5w+4 and was worried about possibility of ectopic pregnancy but it turned out to be ok. I went to my private clinic for a scan to make sure and they discovered the gestational sack right in the middle of my womb. I had/still have various one sided aches and pains but I now realise it’s all a part of the parcel. If you are worried try pushing for an early scan as it does put your mind at ease.
I had various aches and pains all over, some often localised but all was well. I know it’s so hard not to worry and once you go through the IVF journey you’re super alert to everything. My clinic nurse told me unless you’re in excruciating pain and or have fresh blood, you’re all good, it’s part of the process. Hopefully your scan will put your mind at rest X
I know the feeling of over analysing every ache and twinge - I’m currently 7 weeks and for now I’m just trying to hold on to the fact I’ve had no blood so no reason to believe things aren’t as they should be. Got a scan with EPU on Thursday so hoping I get the result I’m praying for.
Good luck xx
With my first successful pregnancy, I had many aches and twinges throughout the weeks. This is the growing of embryo, fetus etc. And like someone else mentioned unless it is significant pain or one that is very unusual, blood etc. it all sounds normal.I am day 11 post transfer of 5 day embryo and I have what you're describing. My test day is tomorrow but I have a strong feeling it worked ad very similar to my last transfer symptoms.
Try not to worry and enjoy the moments now. Wishing you all the best 💘