girls (UK only sorry!) what has your experience of progesterone testing/supplementation been during a cycle? And can you let me know if nhs or private? Ireland seems to have some private consultants who will take it into consideration but I had thought at least private clinics in UK would too, or at least give you more progesterone than just 2 crinone a day. But I’m hearing maybe not?
progesterone: girls (UK only sorry... - Fertility Network UK

My first clinic didn't test progesterone and just carried out their standard approach which was two cyclogest pessaries. However they did adapt their approach when I bled early and next time they gave me injectable progesterone as well. My second clinic will test progesterone via a blood test before transfer, on day of transfer and a few days after transfer. They are quite thorough in this respect and it was one of the reasons I chose them as I was fed up of worrying about so much stuff, some of which could be overcome with more detailed monitoring. They are pricy though!
no tests at all for us (nhs or private) they said to me once I was private that it’s just a moment in time and fluctuates throughout the day never mind the week so much that it isn’t always helpful to test but as I’d had some bleeding before test day a few times they were more than happy to add in lubion injections to my pessaries instead (I’m at the same clinic as I was for nhs but now a private patient, they weren’t as keen to do this when I was nhs though) that has stopped my early bleeding and I ‘feel’ like the levels are higher during a cycle (sore boobs etc) my transfers have all mostly been chemicals since then which shows implantation is happening at least and probs an issue with the actual embryo rather than the conditions so that has seemed to do the trick for me! When I was on nhs for my successful round I added in an extra pessary myself about day 6 after transfer as I had some spare from a misscariage the previous cycle-no idea if that is what helped at all! This is Scotland experience btw in case that helps at all xx
Thank you! So not against hfea then. I did add an extra Crinone a couple of days when I felt I hadn’t had full dose and I def felt like sore boobs and all. I get nhs can’t test but they surely shouldn’t be allowed to alllw an embryo to just perish through lack of progesterone if you go to the effort of testing!
I’m similar to Skittles11 - first clinic didn’t test and was just two suppositories. Second clinic tested on transfer day and need progesterone to be a min of 100. If you’re behind on transfer day they’ll get you back for am emergency shot and up your dosage. I didn’t need that but was on 2x Lubion injections plus 2x Crinone gels. I much prefer the second option as is FAR more thorough and many studies suggest higher progesterone, increased success etc!
Hello,My private clinic gave me progesterone as part of their standard uterine lining was quite good beforehand. I was given it straight after egg collection to get ready for transfer. I take 200 (not sure what they measure it in) 3 x daily. I think it really helped, it was also reassuring to take it.
I previously requested progesterone on the NHS before I had ivf and they gave me such a high dose (double what I'm taking now) I had extreme side effects. But they weren't monitoring me.
Good luck in your journey x
All my treatment has been NHS. For my first (fresh) transfer I had 2 cyclogest a day. For my second (fresh) transfer, I started with 2 cyclogest a day but due to an infection before my test day the clinic changed this to lubion injection once a day. My third (frozen) transfer, I had 2 cyclogest and 1 lubion daily. The clinic doesn't test progesterone levels so this is just the standard for what they do for different types of transfer.
My NHS clinic didn't test it and gave 2x cyclogest as standard. My private one also really didn't want to test it and I was put on cyclogest again. So I had my levels done through my levels were >190 but that was after I got BFPs so not really comparable to transfer day. When those ended in early losses and I spotted before OTD on one, I did a bit more research and seems different women respond to different forms of progesterone. So on my first FET I asked for utrogestan and lubion, and for a test on transfer day. Came back a bit low for the amount I was on (52) so they increased to 2 lubions. That one worked. I've just had another FET and insisted on the same, just because it worked once before. Despite all this, none of my doctors (private or NHS) have paid much attention to progesterone and seem to think it's all a coincidence, and they now just 'go along with' what I've asked for as they say it can't do any harm.
Did you just had 2 Lubion injections a day? I have been on 3 cyclogest and 1 lubion a day, and still not convinced about the ODT is Monday, and I am counting myself out of the game as I lost all the "symptoms" (my boobs are not sore anymore). Same happened last transfer and ended on a chemical (I was on 2 of the vaginal gel a day). I am doing private treatment on the NHS, and as you said, they don't test for progesterone
I did 2 x cylogest a day for the first two and they ended after OTD but turned out not to have developed very well from very early on. Then I did a FET with 3x utrogestan and 1x lubion, and when my levels came back a bit low they added another lubion (so 3x pessaries and 2x lubion) - that one worked so I've asked to do the same this time, starting on one lubion and probably going up to two in the next day or so. I don't seem to absorb any progesterone well though and no matter what they put me on it goes up very slowly. Naturally my levels were normal to high, so no idea why that's the case. You could see if your GP will test, or get an online test - that's another thing I had to do when my clinic wouldn't. I have found that if you really push the clinic they will ok additional progesterone, even if they don't think it makes any difference.
I wouldn't know what my levels are, as they never tested...but I seem to have symptoms until like a week after 5 day embryo transfer, and then they totally dissapear. I tried to push the NHS clinic, but they told me there are no standard values for progesterone in blood. I am scared of testing regardless what the test shows. If is negative is going to break me in half, but if positive, I would probably just think is another chemical.
Oh sorry, I meant you may be able to get your progesterone tested by a GP or privately. But on the symptoms and being afraid of the pregnancy outcome I know exactly what you mean. I really thought when I got my first ever BFP on our first transfer that we'd cracked it and I couldn't understand what had gone wrong. Then it happened again. The third one and first FET did work though and my consultant keeps saying it's a numbers game so don't rule yourslef out. Also, my consultant said if you get implantation - even for a short while - it's really a good sign as it means your embryo and you have overcome so many hurdles to get to that point, and it rules out a lot of potential issues. I know it doesn't feel like that at the time. Also if it helps, my symptoms or lack of in the first few weeks have never matched what was going on, so I try not to think about them too much now.
Thank you very much for the wise words...this is our second fresh transfer. I had to push my consultant to get more progesterone this time, but that might had not made a difference...I am somehow upset because in none of the cycles we managed to freeze anything, although both of them have been double transfers
It is soooo easy to play symptom spotting, and use google for absolutely everything. I think I just got myself into a rat right now...Is my 40th tomorrow as well, and was really wishing to have the best birthday gift ever!
I got an online test which showed mine was low but by then clinic said 1. We don’t care and 2. It’s too late.
I'm so sorry. I know how angry and frustrated you must be feeling. And also upset. I have been furious with with my NHS clinic for a lot of what I think are basic failings and when this is so important, taken years, maybe our only shot... even when I went private with them thinking somehow it may change their approach they did at least go along with the progesterone but then made different mistakes which ended pretty disastrously tbh. My private only clinic have been much better and I'm now regretting having wasted years waiting for the NHS one and also possibly wasting chances and embryos. Can you find another clinic? Easier said than done though, I know.