Hi ladies, so tomorrow I am 10 weeks pg and it my final day for taking the progesterone supplements. I have my first midwife appointment on Wed. I really want to come off the progesterone now as I want to know that all the symptoms I'm having are actually pregnancy symptoms, rather than just as a result of the progesterone. So far I've had nausea, mild headaches, constantly hungry, unbearably dehydrated even though I'm permanently attached to my water bottle, stomach twinges/stretching and my work trousers are getting much tighter! I keep reading that the placenta takes over progesterone production between week 8-12 but I'm nervous that something will happen before week 12, as my miscarriage last year happened at 12 weeks, although I was only on progesterone last time for first 2 weeks so I think miscarriage had nothing to do with the progesterone. My clinic are aware of previous miscarriage which is why they extended the progesterone to 10 weeks but have said I don't need it past then. Can anyone give me any positive advice, or at least calm me down? 😳 xxx
Freaking out over stopping progesterone - Fertility Network UK
Freaking out over stopping progesterone

Thank you Hidden that's reassuring. I'm really nervous as at my 8 weeks scan I found out that both the embies have stuck and we're having twins! But it is terrifying me, and stupidly googled vanishing twin syndrome last night and now am really anxious. My clinic have given me a report to give to my midwife as ivf twins will need extra special care. I really hope to god they stay where they are!
Congratulations on your BFP. My clinic told me I could stop taking it aftet my 7 week scan but also said I could reduce them and then stop if I wanted to (I was on 4 pessaries a day) and that some women continue them until theyve used up their supply. Therefore ive reduced them gradually and plan to stop them next week by which time i'll be 10 weeks. As such i would say if u still have a supply there doesnt seem to be any harm in continuing if you wanted to. Or if you don't have a supply you could ask for more.
Hope this helps and doesn't confuse further x
Thanks 😊 congrats on yours too. Oh that's good to know it's not just me. I hear lots of people on here saying that they're on them at least up to 12 weeks, sometimes longer. I am going cold turkey although would have liked to gradually reduce them but now only have 2 left. Guess I just need to be brave!! Hopefully everything works out OK for both of us xx
Firstly congratulations! I'm in a similar position, though no IVF. I needed the progesterone to get and stay pregnant. I started tapering down at 12 weeks and took my last pessary last night (14+2). I would suggest that if you only have 2 left, you extend the break between them, perhaps by 6 hours? That's what I did when I first stated coming off them. I figured if something was going to go wrong, with that kind of extension I'd perhaps "catch it" if something awful might happen from stopping them. I'm sure everything will be fine, but completely understand your nervousness xx