Tested 3 days early for a day 3 FET (day 11, past transfer but worked out this would have been day 14 if I’d conceived naturally) on second urine of day and got a negative. Is this the end of the road or has anyone had this and still gone on to test positive? I’ve fallen apart today and not in great shape mentally, been highly annoying as a person too. If I still could be pregnant I hope that anger hasn’t impacted baby but honestly have all my period symptoms including a shoulder pain I get a few days before that I suspect is endo but shows up negative on a diagrammatic MRI. Also my incisions from laparoscopy hurt. Or could the estrogen I’m taking be flaring my endo even if pregnant? I heard pregnancy means no endo symptoms so that’s where I’m drawing the ‘period is coming’ from - I don’t have major cramps or anything.
hope for negative 11dp3dt to turn pos... - Fertility Network UK
hope for negative 11dp3dt to turn positive by OTD?
I tested early today 9 days post transfer and got a negative Emotionally difficult day because I really thought this transfer would work. Despite all other fails. Will yeah ok official day but can’t see it changing because I know have really bad period pains which isn’t a good sign! Can’t offer much advice but it’s ok to have a rubbish day and tomorrow will be better. It is such an emotional rollercoaster! Good luck
how are you doing?
yes it’s rubbish because you see lots of people out being pregnant and with families and just think why not us and why isn’t it working!! It is strain and the negative result has knocked my MH this weekend. I will test again on OFTD but think what’s the point as I know the outcome and my body. Hope you’re having s better day.
anyone? Any data points?
by 12dp3dt you should have a positive. Keeping everything crossed for you xx
Sorry you’re feeling rubbish, many of us have been there with the poor MH. I had 3 day embryo transfer recently, I tested at day 11 and it was negative and remained so on the OTD ☹️
I'd say there is always hope. Good luck on your OTD!