Today is my test day, my clear blue digital test says not pregnant but the first response test looks like it has a faint line? Is this a false positive or a result of the meds I'm on? Or am I just seeing things?? As it's such a faint line, Iean it's barely there ... Is this negative result?
Positive or negative? : Today is my... - Fertility Network UK
Positive or negative?

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I think false positives are pretty rare - you can get evaporation lines or confusing faint lines on some of the cheapie tests but with FRERs they tend to detect very tiny amounts of HCG and have always been accurate for me. Only other thing is whether it could be residual trigger shot? If not, the FRERs detect down to very low levels of HCG (I think around >6) and are more sensitive that clearblues (>25), so you can get a positive on FRERs and not on clear blue- I've had this when I tested very early on. Maybe speak to your clinic as maybe it's just a late implanter, but it could also be a chemical. Usually only way to know is to test again in a couple of days and/or get and HCG blood test. Fingers 🤞
Thank you, it was an FET with 2 x 5 day embryo's so we didn't have the trigger shot. Although I am on higher meds this time, prontogest injections, prognova and the cyclogest pessaries x
In which case it's a positive, so that's good news. Hopefully your clinic can order a blood test or you can have them done at the GP (if they offer them) or privately - that's the only definitive way of knowing. Or you can test again in a couple of days but the lines can vary quite a bit and you don't really know what's going on.
Hi lovely,
It looks like a line to me - it could be that your embryo implanted late so the HCG is not strong enough to pick it up on the digital yet.
Was it a fresh transfer? If you had a very strong trigger it could still be that but usually it would be out of your system in about 10 days.
Got my fingers crossed for you xx
Thank you... it was a FET on 2x 5 day embryo's. Yea I'm just super confused why it is so faint and only showing with the first response tests x
The first response pick up 6nmol and I think the digital ones pick up 20nmol - so it could be that your HCG is super low at the moment.
I would test again tomorrow - are you having bloods done? That is the best way to know really xx
Hi dear, how many days post transfer are you? I can see the line on the FRER. It could be a chemical pregnancy or hopefully it could just be too early for the line to be strong / for clearblue to detect the hormones. Will your clinic do any blood tests? Wishing you luck xx
What horrible limbo you are in! I would ask your clinic to run bloods to try and get more definitive information. Xx
I’ve had these a few times which were sadly biochemical pregnancies. At this point (assuming you’re 12dp5dt) the line should be a lot darker. I’d recommend getting a blood test done today or doing a urine test tomorrow, if the line is lighter tomorrow then you have your answer, if darker then bloods will tell you more. Best of luck xx
Well just spoke to the clinic and they've said that they would expect a more definitive line at this point, but have told me to retest in 2 days and continue meds for now but said they expect on Thursday it will probably be a negative result 😢 will have to wait and see what Thursday brings!
sorry the outlook isn’t looking positive, sadly it’s usually the way with faint lines. Doesn’t get any easier does it xx
It's my first vaguely positive result, last 3 transfers all failed completely so at least it's starting to go towards the right direction! X
that’s definitely a positive sign then! If you haven’t done so already I’d recommend further testing since you’ve already had 3 failed attempts and now this xx
Yea clinic has advised to retest Thursday but that aren't very optimistic. We'll just keep everything crossed 🤞x
ah sorry I meant RIF testing (recurrent implantation failure) if you haven’t done so already xx
Oh I haven't heard of that? They put me on more meds this cycle, prontogest injections, pessaries and prognova tablets so that's the most intervention I've had so far x
there are a couple of tests you can look into, here’s a list;
Hello, I would trust clear blue more I was in this situation twice and my period came after couple of days. I think those test pink one are not 100 procent ok.
But I hope in your case will be different. Fingers crossed.
I was in the same position as you last Friday. My test day was Friday following FET x2 of 5 days blastocysts. I have had 4 previous failed transfers and never expected the test to be positive. But there was a very faint line. My clinic did not offer much reassurance but as I work within early pregnancy I have been lucky enough to be able to get my bhcgs done which to my surprise are doubling. So there is hope. Three days later the pregnancy test was a lot more positive. Good luck xx
Hi- I’m sorry you never got a clear cut answer on test day! I would say that’s a negative result from my own experience if it’s on test day I’m afraid. I also had this line on a FRER last round after using them for years with no problems so it was either a chemical (again) or the FRERs are now also prone to evap lines (I hope not!) I really really hope I’m wrong for you though and it progresses into something as a late implanter (it can happen!) but false hope is worse in my experience so thought I’d share what happened with me. Look after yourself xx
Hi yes that is my fear now, it doesn't feel positive even though I have signal of period starting however I'm guessing that's due to the amount of meds I'm currently on x
FRER positives always start out as very faint lines if you test early enough. There is no such thing as a false positive if you have done a frozen transfer. What does it look like today? ( :
👍🏻 OK. I’d be very interested to see your test tomorrow. If you would care to, please return this message tomorrow with a test image. Wishing you the best of luck. ( :
Update*** resounding negative no faint line this time at all. Back to the drawing board for next FET for me 😢