I’m such an idiot.
I’ve had a very rough few days and today I got some very light bleeding. From my research it could easily be implantation bleeding, but my mind went nuts and straight to the fear of period, and like some possessed zombie I grabbed my pregnancy test and did 1, it came up negative :-(.
Technically my period isn’t s due for two days, however, my last period did have a bit of a slow start with some spotting to begin with, so my dates could be easily two days off. I was not supposed to test until Sunday (I’d been so good up to now), two days away, and I did my test in the afternoon (not that I’m really sure it makes a difference). Obviously I understand that the test could be wrong because maybe my levels haven’t fully built up yet to show that I may be pregnant.
I should have just left it because now I’m in that annoying and very upsetting stage where I’ve now got somewhat confirmation in my imaginative and very sensitive mind of not being pregnant, but it’s not really confirmation because it could have just been too early to test and implantation bleeding . I have no idea where I’m at apart from that I’m miserable.
Has anyone got any stories of hope where they tested negative two days or so before their suggested dates for testing (and before their period was due) and then ended up being actually pregnant despite this. I just need some hope to get through the next few days and then if it all goes wrong after that well at least the uncertainty will be over and I will know for sure and I will take it from there. I did manage to freeze two embryo so there is still hope this transfer fails.
I hope everyone else out there is coping, it’s a tough old game this IVF business xxx