1 failed fresh transfer 8th June. 2 frozen 5 day embryos left. Aside from treating it as a numbers game and just looking after myself and doing it again normally, I wanted to know others experiences with additional treatments. Looking to have an assisted natural FET in August provided my cycle plays ball. I asked my consultant about endo scratch and she mentioned embryo glue. It was hard to tell her opinion on either because HFEA still has them as Amber on the rating. There was a study in 2020 that seemed to suggest embryo glue being effective in increasing live birth rate but there's conflicting evidence between papers. I need to make a decision and interested to hear what you've all been told/experienced. Thank you x
Opinions/experiences with endometrial... - Fertility Network UK
Opinions/experiences with endometrial scratch and/or embryo glue

Hey, I was torn about whether to go for the embryo glue or the scratch too. I did read a lot online and decided to go for the scratch. We didn’t bother with the glue after I did some research that seemed to sway more towards the scratch being more likely to help but i can’t remember where I read that and im not even sure how accurate that is
The scratch itself wasn’t the nicest experience and I was warned before by one of the nurses that some women find it painful and some don’t. I did find it painful but I find smears painful too I think I’m just more sensitive. Our first transfer did work but whether or not it was down to the scratch I’ll never know but I just decided I wanted to try it and then if it didn’t work I wouldn’t try it again, it’s completely your decision I know it can be a hard one and it feels like a lot of pressure to have to choose. Wishing you all the luck in the world!
for me personally embryo glue didn’t work 😌 but it could for other people. I’m really not sure. Good luck x
I have used two different IVF clinics and the jury seems to be out on the embryo glue side of things. My first clinic used it for my transfers. My second clinic which is more forward thinking don't offer it as they say the evidence base isn't there...so I don't know 😕 I would probably just go with the consultants recommendation in this case x
I’ve used embryo glue for all three of my transfers (it’s a standard part of package at my clinic). All three implanted, unfortunately two led to early miscarriage, but one was successful. I was 40 when the embryos were created, so been told the miscarriage were probably due to chromosomal issues. I’ve not been offered a scratch, so don’t know too much about it.
I’ve had glue for my two transfers, one failed to implant and one I had a very early loss. I had a scratch done before the second transfer. I feel it might have helped implantation as i got a strong positive, but I think for me larger things are at play that prevent me from staying pregnant. The hospital did say they see a slight increase in rates from their own data for those that had a scratch. But not sure how significant. Found it very painful but it’s over very quickly xx
Thank you. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's all very overwhelming. Wishing you all the best x
thank you xx and sending you strength too - It’s all hard decisions and a big mental load. Ultimately I did both early on because I didn’t want them to turn around later and say “oh maybe you could try this next time etc…” rather than considering other investigations for me, if that makes sense!
Yes I know what you mean. Feeling so unsettled after the first time not working. I am excited to try again but also very worried. Life seems like it's in limbo. I want to enjoy things but it's hard to plan anything. Thank you for your understanding xx