Hi! I got a faint positive line on a few tests and very low hcg a few days ago, I'm waiting for blood test results today to see if level has raised, I have started having dark brown with rusty red spotting so I'm convinced I've had a chemical pregnancy, has anyone experienced something similar and still had a successful pregnancy xx
started bleeding 19 days past ovulation - Fertility Network UK
started bleeding 19 days past ovulation

Hello Asha, I sure hope the bleeding is nothing to worry about. How did your blood results go? That will determine whether you are pregnant or not. But right now I wish to say congratulations on your BFP!
Thank you so much Christianbaby, I got my blood test results and my level jumped from 19 on Friday to 64 today but they are concerned if it's ectopic pregnancy, I'm bleeding a bit heavier now with some small clots, sorry for the to much information, I had a double embryo transfer and I'm thinking maybe one implanted in the uterus where it's supposed to and maybe the other one implanted in my fallopian tube I'm not sure, I just hope it's not ectopic
Hi! I just thought I would update you, my hcg levels have gone from 19 to 64 to 103 and I'm still bleeding a bit but looking ok at the moment xx
Those are good numbers. I hope your bleeding will stop soon. I hope this is it for you. I hope it's not ectopic either. Will this be your first baby?
Thing's are really bad, I've had a silent miscarriage and I'm waiting for d&c but no this would have been my third child if i didn't have a silent miscarriage, we will be doing a frozen cycle in 3-4 months, I have a 22 year old daughter who is currently 22 weeks pregnant and I have a son that is turning 20 next month, after having them I had a tubal ligation done which is why I have to go through ivf
Sorry about your miscarriage Asha. Wow you have a huge age gap among the siblings in case you do have your baby! May I know how old you are? I was 39 when I had my egg donation overseas. I had my baby girl from that cycle. I also have three embryos frozen at my clinic. Is your frozen cycle coming from this cycle where you had a silent miscarriage?
That's ok thank you, I'm 40 years old and yes my frozen cycle in September will be from the embryo's from the same cycle that I had the miscarriage from, we have 4 good quality frozen embryo's and yes it's definitely a huge age gap, I was 18 when I had my first child and 20 when I had my second. Congratulations on your baby girl
It's great that you have 4 frozen embryos. Good luck on your FET this September!
Thank you I really appreciate it
Hi Asha I think we are responding to each other in another thread. Did you have your FET already? I sure hope you were able to rest also and pampered yourself a little bit.
I think it might be the wrong thread because I'm 11 weeks pregnant
Oh congratulations on your pregnancy!
Also I just realised this thread is from when I got pregnant from my previous cycle which ended up being a mmc and then I had a fet done on the 29th of July which was successful

Hi Asha. It could be you have lost one of your embryos. Could be a bit of infection too. Fingers crossed. Diane