Hi! I got a bfp today 10 dpo but very faint lines, going tomorrow for blood test so I'm very excited but nervous about faint lines, can someone please tell me if they have similar experience, I did 2 different types of pregnancy tests and both positive faint lines
10 days past ovulation pregnancy tests - Fertility Network UK
10 days past ovulation pregnancy tests

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10dpo is very early to test. Most tests don’t pick up HCG consistently until 14dpo and IVF clinics often tell you not to test until 15 or 16 days post egg collection (equivalent of ovulation). The fact you have any lines at all this early is a good thing xx
sorry I meant 10 days after 5 day embryo transfer
Ah ok. On my successful round I tested 12dp5dt and it wasn’t a really strong line, a little stronger than yours but not much. You’re definitely not out 😊 Hope the blood test goes ok xx
Congratulations. 10 DPO is very very early and it's amazing your tests are positive at this stage 😃 I tested at 12 DPO and my test was very faint - that BFP is my now 13 month old daughter. I have a photo to show you how faint it was 2 days after you have tested.
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that's only 3 days after I first tested mine was very faint. . Babies can implant later it's not an exact science. When I had my last miscarriage ( I had a late loss and 2 early losses before my youngest daughter was conceived) the EPU told me it wasn't the HCG level that mattered on first blood test it was if the level doubled in 47/72 hours. The starting number is irrelevant it's the increasing that is important . All the best for today Xx
thank you so much I really appreciate it, I'm in Australia and doing my blood test tomorrow xx
Yes I had faint lines as well on my test day. But did another test 2 days later and another 2 days after that and it got stronger! My clinic didn't do blood tests. Fingers and toes crossed for you. The 1st weeks waiting for the scan can be hard but look after yourself 💜xx
thank you so much I really appreciate it, did you test on the day you were due for your period? Because I tested this morning and I'm due for my period today
I tested on the day the clinic said OTD and then 2 days after that and then 2 days after that. But stopped there! I did also did get an electric test as I couldn't believe it.
sorry I'm a bit slow at the moment, was it successful for you or a devastating loss, I hope you had successfull pregnancy
Sorry I meant stopped there doing the tests as I know it can get a bit obsessive. Due to have my baby very soon. 💜 Sorry to hear the HCG was low. I don't know too much about HCG tests. Fingers crossed it doubles! Is this your 1st round of IVF? I know it is so hard when you are unsure about what is going on.