Hi all,
I wondered if anyone out there knew much about progesterone levels? I had mine tested back in August which on day 20 were 31.8nmol/L. I've googled and anything over 30 suggests that you did ovulate with a mature egg but I was wondering if they were on the slightly lower side of normal? Or am I being stupid by saying that? My doctor wasn't worried or anything.
It was only day 20 (7DPO) and deffo was NOT pregnant that cycle so I guess maybe it would have got higher the later my cycle went on or if I got pregnant but just wondering if anyone had any insight or experience? I've had a number of early losses now and have always wondered if my progesterone was maybe on the slightly lower side but never actually had it tested when I was pregnant. I have taken pessaries on both of my IVF cycles (one which ended with a chemical and one which failed) but the other losses were natural.