so after a month and a half of taking hormones (arvekap long protocol, then cyclacur and prolutex injections and salospir and then yesterday first clexane injection I went to toilet last night and had blood. Endometrium 5 days before was a perfect fat 9mm and all was fine. Needless to say my embryo transfer this morning was cancelled and doctor just said your endometrium is obviously weak (then how was it perfect 5 days ago) and that obviously this protocol of hormones didn’t work for you. Now it’s going to go all the way to January and if. One year older amidst all that and not to mention all the hormones that have fucked with every iota of my being for last month and a half. Does anyone have any similar stories? I don’t understand and basically doctor doesn’t either and said it happens but super rare 😪🙄😏😠
bleeding night before due for an embr... - Fertility Network UK
bleeding night before due for an embryo transfer

Hi I am so sorry this has happened to you, just devastating when you were so close to transfer ,after taking all the medication over the last month or so, it can feel so frustrating as things take so long, and the thought of the wait & having to go through all the treatment process again is just draining.
I have no experience of bleeding before transfer or certain meds your taking , but my fresh transfer was cancelled 3 weeks ago due to my lining being too thick, so I am in limbo again waiting on appointments and to start the FET process next year. so I know how you feel when your that close and things that you just never expect to go wrong then do.
I wish you all the best for the next steps x
Oh Corchi this is so awful, I’m gutted for you. I know that it will be hard to see any benefits just yet but I guess at least you didn’t transfer and then it happen in the days immediately after. I’m presuming they’re freezing your embryos?
It’s just so disappointing after going through all that, sending you big hugs xx
thank you and of course the silver lining is that the embryo was saved. It would never have worked. I’m just gutted because I’ve always had an amazing endometrium naturally and the medication literally ruined my endometrium. How cruel and fucked up 🥲 the embryos are frozen yes and now looking at Jan/Feb 😪
Oh no, so gutted for you, after all that build up.
It randomly happened to my sister in one of her rounds and they went ahead anyway (I thought that was a weird decision) and of course it was a BFN. Randomly they just did the same protocol the next two FETs and they resulted in her two kids 🤷🏼♀️ Not sure that’s a help really but wanted to send you a huge hug anyway xx

thank you so much glad your sister got her two babies ❤️

So sorry to hear this cycle has not gone as hoped -sending you a big hug and thinking of you