Hi all,
I was looking for some advice/words of wisdom as I am struggling a lot at the minute with how to move forward.
Brief summary for context:-
TTC since 2018.. started IVF in 2021
Transferred 5 embryos in the u.k. over 3 cycles which resulted in one chemical pregnancy only.
We moved to Greece and so far transferred 6 embryos over 2 cycles.. one chemical and one MMC at just under 7 weeks.
We’ve just had our 6th cycle but first doing pgta. I wanted to do testing sooner but husband wasn’t keen. We only have one complex low level suitable for transfer. I posted on here and had some really great responses. I joined the mosaic embryo FB group which has been so so informative and also spoke to the genetic councillor at our clinic who encouraged us to transfer it.. that it was “a really good embryo”
We spoke with the Dr on Thursday and he’s not thrilled about the mosaic. He said it only has a 17% chance of implanting and an even higher chance of miscarriage in the first trimester.
I have raised cytokines so he wants me to do an immune protocol before any transfer. The protocol includes hydroxychloraquine , steroids and intralipids. I don’t respond to oestrogen tablets so it’s more injections doing stims to thicken my lining, plus progesterone injections and clexane during the TWW. He asked me if all that was worth it for 17% and I honestly don’t know. He suggested keeping the embryo frozen and trying again with pgta.
Like many of us my husband and I are mentally exhausted. We have discussed DE and are both in a place now where we have accepted that going down the DE route may be our only way to become parents.
The consultant thinks we’re not quite there as I have an amazing response to stims and we do get blasts, albeit 4 max and the last round not the best quality.
We informed clinic we would go ahead with one more cycle with pgta as I would rather do it now as time isn’t on our side (I am 40), but now I don’t know if it’s even the right thing to do. Are we just throwing away money, time and effort for something that’s not worked in 6 years so why would it work now?
We’ve had every test we can and our issue is mainly egg quality due to years of undiagnosed endo. I’m in work and over thinking x Thank you if you’ve made it this far xx