I had a round of ICSI in 2017 with a fresh transfer that resulted in my little girl, we were so lucky that it worked first time for us. I am booked in for FET on Thursday this will be my first attempt at a FET and I keep think how can we possibly be so lucky that it would work first time again we have 3 embryos frozen so we do have the chance to try again if it doesn’t work but for now I’m looking for success stories if people that had a successful fresh then went in to later have a successful FET first go.
FET success stories please: I had a... - Fertility Network UK
FET success stories please

Hi Tink1989, I’m in the same boat. I’m very lucky to have a little girl too, and I’m now in the dreaded 2ww having had an FET last Thursday. My daughter was a fresh transfer. Keeping everything crossed for us both x
Hi, i am also waiting for the results of my FET which was a 9 days ago. Can i ask do you need to wait 2 weeks? Ive been told 10 days so test tomorrow xx
Goid luck wi to your test tomorrow Raine2 will keep everything crossed for a positive result ❤️
Yep, same here - testing on Monday (day 10). Hope you get your BFP tomorrow Raine2 x x
I tested today day 9 i couldnt help myself and it came back negative 😞 i cant see it changing by tomorrow morning! Sending so much luck your way for a positive result for you 🤞🏼 xx
Hi GraceFace I hope you get your bfp on test day. The 2nd is hard I remember with my daughter I had to force myself not to test everyday.
Hi GraceFace how did you get on with your results? xx
Hi Raine, I tested positive yesterday morning. Just keeping everything crossed for a healthy pregnancy now (I’ve had things go wrong before). How are you doing? Did you retest in the end? X x
Aw this is lovely news! I hope everything goes well.
Yes i did on Wednesday morning but i tested negative. I have just went straight back in to try again. Not sure if i should of had a break (you think about all sorts). I have 3 eggs left so hopefully second time lucky 🤞🏼
Did you just have one egg transferred? xx

Just wanted to wish you good luck with your treatment
Thinking of you
Hi, we had our fet on 13th and just got a positive it's been a long journey of 3 failed iui and 2 failed ivf. Our final 2 frozen were transferred and it worked! Now I'm praying it sticks. We already have a 6 year old from an iui so am very grateful for him. Don't give up hope