FET success stories very welcome !!! - Fertility Network UK

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FET success stories very welcome !!!

ICSIBaby86 profile image
β€’24 Replies

I'd love to hear some FET success stories ! I feel so much better after a FET cycle... during my fresh cycle I felt so poorly, ovaries were swollen, really badly constipated, my lining was poor approx 6.9... awful cramping sensations after my fresh transfer... FET has been completely different I felt calm and collected, I felt like I could prepare my body and mind. Hopefully I won't have to go through this again but if I did I think I would prefer a FET every time ! Please share your stories if you have any :) I'm only 2dp5dt and feeling hopeful. I'm also worried about feeling hopeful πŸ™ˆ but I thought I might as well in enjoy the thought of possibly being pregnant over the next two weeks :) xxx

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ICSIBaby86 profile image
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24 Replies
AmyLeighxx profile image

My little perfect Little boy is 5 months old, he was my frozen embryo after my fresh ICSI cycle failed. Like you I found the FET a lot less harsh on my body. They say the frozen embryos are stronger than the fresh ones apparently 😌

Fingers crossed you get a BFP 🀞🏽 xx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to AmyLeighxx

Eeep I love this ! Was it your first go at FET ? It's so much easier isn't it my lining was 6.9mm in fresh transfer but was 15mm + on FET ! Such an easier process on the body x

AmyLeighxx profile image
AmyLeighxx in reply to ICSIBaby86

Yes my first go. I also have 2 frozen embryos left for when I want to try again 🀞🏽😌 xx

sanj76 profile image

The wife had a FET (via ICSI) Done.... she's currently 24 weeks and we're expecting a girl. Long way to go yet, but each day feels like another bit closer to reality for us.... wish you a the very very best

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to sanj76

Congratulations :) fills me with so much hope !!! All the best to you ! So nice to hear happy stories xxx

sanj76 profile image
sanj76 in reply to ICSIBaby86

Likewise.... please feel free to inbox me and I will help as much as I can.

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to sanj76

Thank you so much ! It's nice to see male partners using this forum :)

OurTimeWillCome09 profile image
OurTimeWillCome09 in reply to sanj76

Hi Sanj76...just reading this now. My wife and I are undergoing our first FET and all this is new to me. Great to see the male contingent on here. Any tips/hope would be truly appreciated.

Hormomalmess profile image

I have just had my bfp after FET.

I found FET much better too as did it naturally, so no drugs to make me crazy lady!! Was much more relaxed than after our ivf round which can only be a good thing for both me and my little embryo.

Fingers crossed for you xx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Hormomalmess

Wow drug free that's awesome ! Perfect πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

My bfp was a fet. Good luck xxx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to

Congratulations I love all these success stories :)

lovewinspain profile image

Hello, my fresh cycle ended in chemical miscarriage and I had fet in last October...like u I also felt totally normal...now my due date is coming near on july 20. Wish u good luck...I m eagerly waiting for my baby boy....

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to lovewinspain

Sorry to hear about your chemical but so happy you had your happy ending ❀️

MonkAK profile image

I am 32 weeks pregnant from a FET and our little girl is due in August. I felt exactly the same as you - the fresh cycle sent me round the twist and when my consultant suggested a natural FET with our remaining two embryos I jumped at it. I just knew it was the right decision for us and I knew it would work and here I am with my hospital bag packed, panicking at the prospect of giving birth and feeling my little girl squirm around inside me as I type this to you! There is certainly nothing wrong with positive thinking. Good luck! Xx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to MonkAK

😍 that's amazing ... so exciting for you !! I don't think anyone that hasn't gone through Infertility appreciates pregnancy and the effort it takes to reach each goal and now your almost ready to pop I can't wait for that ❀️🀞🏼... it's been a life changing experience for me this whole process ! Congratulations all the best to you xxxx

Nothing wrong with being positive! Xxx

Lucy01244 profile image

26 Weeks now with my last frozen embie on a completely natural cycle. Due a little boy in September. It is my second FET, first was a chemical after a chemical in my fresh cycle too. Good luck and stay positive x

Amanda86 profile image
Amanda86 in reply to Lucy01244

Just been reading these success stories as I too need some reassurance. Your one gives me lots of hope Lucy, I too had a chemical with my fresh and chemical with my first FET. Due to start my second FET in August and reading this has made me feel more hopeful that it could work πŸ™‚

Congratulations to you also on your pregnancy πŸ™‚ Xxx

Lucy01244 profile image
Lucy01244 in reply to Amanda86

Hi Amanda I really hope it works for you in August. I totally understand how you feel, I was so skeptical when I went for my transfer in January I just wanted to get it out the way to start fresh again as I never thought it would work. I even felt more relaxed on the 2ww as I was so sure it hadn't. But it can and it does so try to keep positive, it only takes one ❄️! Good luck xxx

Amanda86 profile image
Amanda86 in reply to Lucy01244

That's exactly how I've been feeling and I've felt awful for feeling that way. Like I just want it over and done with so I can move on to the next go. I feel a lot more hopeful now though πŸ™‚

Thank you so much. I'm hoping it'll be third time lucky ❄️ πŸ€ xxx

Daisy-Mae profile image

Another success here for you! My fresh cycle ended drastically early and like you I felt terrible, both mentally and physically.

Had a FET and now my baby boy is 6 months old and makes me laugh every day πŸ’™

I believe in these little Frosties, good luck to you xxxx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Daisy-Mae

Thank you daisy :) I really needed that today I'm 5dp5dt and I'm starting to go loopy ! My symptoms have literally just disappeared apart from a small few cramps here and there ! This FET cycle is completely different to my fresh ! I had all the symptoms on a fresh cycle ! Hoping my body is doing something different this time :) xxxxxx

Daisy-Mae profile image
Daisy-Mae in reply to ICSIBaby86

It is enough to drive you completely mad. Try to relax and just trust in your body. I didn't have any real symptoms either but it was the longest two weeks of my life. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you xx

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