Hi all, my first fresh transfer sadly ended in a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks and I am now prepping for my first FET. I'm excited but I'm also aware that I was lucky to fall pregnant at 40 on my first attempt, and may not get a BFP again, or could even have another miscarriage. Does anyone have any positive stories from a similar situation to give me a bit of hope? Thanks!
FET success after miscarriage? - Fertility Network UK
FET success after miscarriage?

I had a MMC at 9weeks following a fresh transfer, then had a FET almost immediately after and my son is now 2 and a half. I was 39 when I got pregnant and 40 when I had him. It’s possible! Good luck

This is lovely to read! I have my FET transfer on Wednesday. Had a MMC after a great ICSI in jan xxx

Thank you, it's lovely to read positive stories! And congratulations on your little boy! X

Hello howLong did you wait before starting again I’ve just had a mmc at 6w and needed a D&C I’m traumatised by this and not sure on how long to wait x
Hi Hells, I'm so sorry for your loss, I opted for surgical management as I felt that was the best option for me to try and move forward. My clinic have let me do a FET starting on my first period after the mmc, which was just under 6 weeks for me. I know some other clinics prefer you to wait for a couple of cycles. I'm doing a medicated FET, as a natural FET relies on more regular cycles, which can take a while to return after a mc. It's also really important to take the time you need to make sure you are in the right state emotionally to move forward. Sending lots of love and support in this horrible time xx
So sorry for your loss. I have had two MMCs through IVF but am very lucky to also have two kids through the gruelling process also. So while it is horrific losing a much wanted pregnancy, please please don’t give up hope.
It took around 6 weeks for me to get my period after both MMCs. After the first I saw my consultant around day 10 of my first cycle post MMC and he said as I would ovulate that month I could do a natural FET. I wasn’t expecting to be able to tbh, but decided to go with it. I got pregnant with my son.
However, only you can decide when you feel physically and emotionally ready to move forward. Everyone feels differently. For me, only when I got my period did I feel I could start to move forward and plan ‘what next’. Between the MMC and then I will be honest, I was in a total daze and felt suspended in time.
Look after yourself x

Thank you I’m sorry for ur loss also and congratulations on ur bundle of joys, I just feel angry at the world atm and was treated badly in the hospital but I still have one frosty left and another cycle so fingers crossed xx
Oh I had a MMC in Jan so know exactly how you feel!! Have my FET transfer on wed. Wishing you all the luck xxx
I had two mmc one at 6 weeks, other at 11 weeks, then we tried FET again and went on to have a healthy pregnancy and a lil girl. It can and does happen hun. Def worth continuing to try. We too were wondering if it could ever happen for us after lots of negatives and then mmc but here we are with an almost 1 year old. Best wishes x
Sorry to hear about your mmc 😔But I can reassure you that it can happen. My fresh transfer ended in a MMC at 8 weeks, I went on to do a FET a few months later and now 24 weeks pregnant. Wishing you all the luck I'm the world xx
So sorry to hear about your MMC - look after yourself Hun. We lost twins in August 2019 between the 7.5 week scan and 9.5 week scan (after seeing their heartbeats). We then had 3 cancelled FETs due to thin lining and went onto do another egg collection & transferred one fresh & one frozen embryo and got a BFN. On the next FET we got a BFP and I’m now 34 weeks pregnant will be 44 when the baby arrives. It’s such a tough journey but it’s definitely worth hanging in there and keeping going xx
I had the same and got to hear baby's heartbeat, it's so hard then to lose it. I'm so pleased that you got there in the end, congratulations. I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy, not long to go now! Xx
Thank you - just want her here safely now! It’s so so hard to have heard the heartbeat and then loose your precious baby. We managed to get testing and found out the bigger twin had Trisomy 9 so wouldn’t have survived. It helped a little to know that but didn’t take the pain away. Please please look after yourself, always here if you want to chat xx
So sorry to hear you had a mmc. I had a mmc last year after the viability scan where we got a heartbeat. I had another BFP 16 Apr this year and waiting for the viability scan. It's so hard. If you ever need to chat just let me know x
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, and I know what you are going through. It's so hard to fall pregnant and then lose your miracle. Unfortunately I've had 2 miscarriages in the last year. The first one was from FET and the second pregnancy was from a fresh cycle. We are currently doing a third fresh cycle and I'm trying to push for a fresh transfer but my linning has gone the opposite way and from 10.2mm it went to 4mm on egg retrieval day. So I dont know whether they will be cancelling my transfer tomorrow. It definitely is possible to get pregnant after a mmc. Best of luck with your FET xx
Hi... I had fresh transfer in Nov and had Mc at Christmas time unfortunately. I am 42 now and 12 weeks preg with my miracle FET prayint every day all will be OK. I started the meds after one period in Jan. Best of luck x

Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy, hearing these stories really gives me the hope I need xx
Hi, I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and then two years later an FET that resulted in my 6 month old son. I’m 45. 💕