Hi all,
I think I’m in need to hear some positive stories with FET after some failures with earliest goes.
I’m starting my third FET but I’m worried if FET is ever going to work for me as I had one miscarriage and one negative outcome from first two FET attempts. I had already successful pregnancy from IVF fresh treatment I’m very blessed to have my child and I’m so grateful that after 3unsuccessful IUI and one BFN on first ever ivf I became mother eventually but now we wanted sibling for our kid. We try now for our second baby but my hopes are not that strong anymore having miscarriage and negative result on FET. I might also not have chance to undergo fresh IVF treatment due to other complications in our life which are out of our control hence for now only FET is our option. I’m bit sad with this that maybe one or if lucky two attempts of FET left for us and this will be it no more hopes for another baby if this won’t work ehh
Thank you for reading my vent, if anyone has positive stories on above that perhaps what I need. I wish all of you on treatments now very best of luck 😘