Has anyone got tips for feeling nauseous? Not actually been sick but constantly feel it. Not complaining as these are very welcome symptoms but just wondering if anyone has any natural tips I could try? Are we allowed peppermint tea? x
Nauseous early pregnancy : Has anyone... - Fertility Network UK
Nauseous early pregnancy

Hiya, sorry you’re feeling so sicky - I was exactly the same. Have you tried almonds? They were my life saver!
Constantly grazing and ginger biscuits is all that worked for me. If I was hungry it was always worse. All the beige food!
That’s what I’ve found it only stops when I’m eating so I’m constantly picking and carbs work a treat, anything health doesn’t satisfy me at the moment 🙈
Thanks for the post. I've started to feel the same - normally about 15 mins after I've eaten so that could mean I'll be constantly grazing!
I'm gluten intolerant so hoping to find some ginger gluten free biscuits! The tip about almonds sounds great though. Let me know what you find works for you xx
Tesco do some nice ginger gookies (gf)!
Tescos gf ginger biscuits were a god send. Nairns stem ginger breakfast biscuits also handy because they are wrapped in small portions so kept a pack in my bag. For a treat the dark chocolate and stem ginger (perwitts maybe?) when I couldn’t face eating but needed a ‘hit’ went down well. Also naked bars- salt, dark chocolate and almond. Life saver on the tube ride home.
sucking on ice cubes was the only thing that vaguely helped me (and later on the only way I could tolerate liquids). Don’t be afraid to see your GP for medication if it gets bad, there are multiple, safe medications available to try xx
Ginger tea helped for me and strangely mango. Husband had a few trips to the shop for a mango or two🤣

so weird. Thought it was just me who went all out on mango!
frozen mango and pineapple bites helped me. Crackers - ideally with a little salt. Grazing. Congratulations and wishing you all the best! 🧡🥰
I tried everything natural, but did not work. Some gember tea helped a bit. Also skipping meal mad eit worse. At the end i needed medicines for hiperemesis as i could not eat or function at all. It is a syrup and thebother are capsules.
crystallised ginger. I keep some in my mouth to calm me done and it really works.
There’s a forum fertility network - pregnancy support which is where you should post those kind of questions 😊
Ugh, sorry lovely. Nausea isn't fun! Here's a list of things you could try:
* Eat little and often. If you let yourself get hungry, nausea will be worse.
* Try keeping some salted pretzels by the bed if you wake up feeling sick in the night.
* Lemon water or fizzy lemon water can take the edge off. Also, try lemon or mint boiled sweets ( sucking on any boiled sweet should distract from the discomfort).
* Keep the windows open! Cool air can help.
* Nap if your day allows it. Apparently, nausea is worse if you’re tired.
* sharp fruits can be a good way of getting some nutrients and seem easier to eat: try green apples/pineapple/mango/strawberries/grapes
* Watery veg like cucumber and lettuce or plain tasting veg like green beans or peas seem a million times easier than broccoli or spinach!
* Salty crisps can settle your tummy. (I lived mostly on hula hoops in the first trimester 😅)
* You could try seasickness bands. Didn’t work for me but others swear by them.
* Ice lollies! Don't know why but they can be very soothing when sick.
I find when its really bad, chewing gum helps a bit -- i use the peppersmith one which uses xylitol and is supposed to be marginally better than normal chewing gum.. hopefully no ones going to tell me it's terrible!
Ginger really helps. You can chop up root ginger in hot water as tea. It apparently works on some receptor in yoir brain that produces the sickness feeling. Otherwise lolipop sweets helped me as I needed something nice tasting to suck constantly. I tried to get sugar free or low sugar ones but which didnt use artificial sweeteners as didnt like the idea of those chemicals in my body with my baby or too much sugar due to risks of gestational diabetes. Health food shops were good for things like that. Good luck. Would love to be in that position myself right now!
I’ve been the same. Eating regularly helps me - I’ve been wanting salty food, especially salt and vinegar crisps - so I reckon go with what you fancy. I also got little chunks of crystallised ginger which are good to nibble on and someone told me Love Hearts/Fizzers/Parma Violets are good too. I have peppermint tea every day and it’s fine - most herbal teas are but if in doubt check with Dr Google! x

Hi PrioncessGurn. Could you move over to the Pregnancy Support Forum now please. Diane
Are there people on that group that can help with IVF related questions if I have them still please? Like pessary info etc and eventually weaning off? X
Fruit, especially grapes. I think peppermint tea is fine. Also use a straw to drink so you’re not gulping down air with water, that made a big difference for me.
Saying that I’m still on antiemetics at 24 weeks with no sign of coming off them 🤦🏻♀️
hi, i was nauseas from 7am to bedtime. It escalated to being sick after dinner. Everyone’s different but the best thing to do is to work out what foods / drinks don’t react well with you. I couldn’t drink water so had to resort to squash. I had to constantly snack to try and repress it. Mini cheddars, rice cakes, ginger biscuits worked for me. I couldn’t drink coffee, had to change to tea. Weirdly bananas made me feel worse and tomatoes and spicy food that I used to love. Bland food often was my key. I read somewhere we can’t drink peppermint tea but not sure how factually based that is. I definitely had a few mugs before I found out. Lie down when you can and don’t book in anything those times of days you feel worse - for me it was evening, which confused me given it was called morning sickness. Take a sick bag around with you and just accept you may be sick in public. I was a few times but felt so awful I didn’t care. I’m in 17th week and it has worn off. It was a complete slog though so I feel your pain. Good luck finding the small things that slightly help you xxx
see your GP! No need to suffer and it can be awful. I kept trying all the natural stuff but meds were a lifesaver xxx
A friend gave me some little ginger candies that helped and I also kept some dry cheerios around and ate a small handful every time I felt sick. Both helped me quite a lot.