I just found out I was pregnant on January 31st and I started having brown bleeding still to this day. I’m very early in pregnancy so it won’t be seen in ultrasound. She checked my cervix but it was closed but she isn’t sure why I’m having the brown bleeding. My HCG levels are going up like they are supposed to. Anyone else having this problem and ended up having a healthy pregnancy???
Brown bleeding early pregnancy - Fertility Network UK
Brown bleeding early pregnancy

Not me personally but two of my close friends had bleeding right up to around 17weeks..both have went on to have healthy pregnancies but do keep getting checked over when you feel you need to x
It’s still early days for me as only 7 weeks but I’ve had continuous brown bleeding from 5 weeks. I’ve had 2 scans one at 5 and 6 weeks and all is progressing fine.
I was told brown is old blood so no major concern and that I’ve got hematoma ( collection of blood in my womb) which may mean I continue to have brown blood till it dissolves into my body. My doc said it can happen due to the estrogen medication?
Worth telling your clinic for piece of mind.
I had this at week 6 and week 7 with clots and cramping too, My clinic said my hcg levels were going up and no explanation for the bleeds which I was shocked at as I was convinced I was miscarrying again but I’m delighted to say I’m now snuggling with my 7week old baby ☺️ so yes you can still have a healthy pregnancy- I think it’s a good sign that your levels are increasing and your cervix is closed! Good luck x
Along with Charliebenj, I've also been told that brown blood is old blood and nothing to worry about. Everything sounds good. I can understand the worry, though. xxxx
Hey ladies I am 8dp5dt and I wiped this morning and had some pink/brown blood and called the clinic and they said at this stage it’s most likely implantation but I’m so worried! This is my second icsi cycle and OTD is 16th so this Sunday. Any help
Or advice would be greatly appreciated
I’m sorry to hear about your losses, only one is devastating enough! I understand your worry but brown blood is very common at this stage. Some women have bright red blood like a period for weeks, some for their entire pregnancy, and end up giving birth to a healthy baby. In this case though I would go to A&E. Monitor your progressions with private scans, it might make you feel more reassured. I hope all goes well for you this time!
Hi there I had bit of red blood last week. Thrn had some cramping and pink brown blood today which is when my period is due. I'm trying to be positive. Told by Greek clinic to go for early scan Friday. Just wanted to say I have found Tommy's website really helpful. Link below
Yes, I did. Brown blood is old blood and usually nothing to worry about. It can be from implantation or an irritated lining from inserting pessaries like mine was (ivf cycle) so I had to then insert them rectally (sorry tmi). I bleed for quite a few weeks and then it stopped. I now have a 10 month old. Hope all is okay with you.