I had my FET on 1st February and got BFP on 12th February. I was over the moon to actually be pregnant but now into my second week since the positive test, I’ve started to get anxiety. I can be really happy and excited to be pregnant but then I get hit with thoughts of miscarriage. I know there’s no point of worrying because if it happens it happens but I just want some advice on how others have coped. I’ve luckily never had experience of miscarriage but with fertility struggles for many years along with suffering serve Endometriosis I think I just expect the worst. Any advice would be very welcome x x x
Early Pregnancy : I had my FET on 1st... - Fertility Network UK
Early Pregnancy

I think everyone who has struggled with fertility get anxious when they get there BFP so don't be hard on yourself. Try and keep you mind busy with other things like binge watching something, reading a book, trying a new hobby something that you need to focus and concentrate on I took up jewellery which is super fiddly so took a lot of concentration. Plan nice treats for yourself and partner like cinema trips, meals out a night away etc. Basically try lots of things and anything you find that keeps your mind busy stick with. Good luck 👍
been there, done that! He's now 3 in May. all the best, do what you have to do to make your mind relax a little xx
oh wow so you went through all this and I guess he was born during the start of covid. I hope you are enjoying motherhood. Thanks for best wishes! X
this was defo me for at least the first half of pregnancy and it’s really common following fertility treatment to feel like this but it will ease. What I found helped was focusing on the next step and not getting too ahead of myself (that’s when I started to worry most) I also found a section in the mindful IVF app helped me unwind at night (this is when I did most of my overthinking!)
I would say book private scans whenever you need reassurance, tell people only when you are ready and do lots of things to take your mind off of worrying and over thinking as like you said what will be will be but for right now… you are pregnant and that’s wonderful 🤗💜 congratulations my lovely xx
oh forgot to say there’s a really helpful forum now you are pregnant specifically for those who have conceived through fertility treatment that may also be helpful (I’m sure you will see you are not alone!) in case that helps 🤗 healthunlocked.com/fertilit...
This was 100% me!!
I had an EPS at 6 weeks which helped & then when I was booking my 12 week scan, the nurse put me in for 10 weeks to settle me.
They wanted to keep an eye on my Bp, so at each BP app then done a quick scan & I booked my gender scan privately for 16 weeks. After that I settled, but I found extra little scans helped, either at the hospital, at the community midwives or privately.
Try to enjoy it though & enjoy every little weird feeling. That’s bubba growing & your insides stretching to make room for their little stretches & tumbles. x
Oh my god! That's totally me! I also had my transfer on 1 Feb and got BFP on 15 Feb. I've been waiting for my first scan. I'm worried about miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. So nervous. Let's hope everything goes well for both of us!!!