Just wondering how long everyone has stimmed for? My first EC I was 10 days, then my second EC I was only 8 days which I felt was too short a time period. I’m going for a follicle progress check tomorrow so will be interested to see how they are coming along, I’ve done 7 nights so far and already getting the dull full feeling in the ovaries area.
How long does everyone STIM for? - Fertility Network UK
How long does everyone STIM for?

First I did 8 days (wasn’t ready at all low number of eggs and very little monitoring from clinic). Second and third rounds I did 12 days each- much better response. I had to advocate for them to actually monitor me though because my clinic are actually terrible (but closest and cheapest to us by hours).
Best of luck for you coming egg collection!!
My clinic start scanning at 8 days, and normally we end up continuing till 10-12 days x
8 to 10 days was pretty normal for me with an estrogen that did not pass more than 3000. I would say that stimulation days depends on your actual AMH. Mine was at 35, this is above average. The biggest follicle was 26mm on last scan. Finger crossed and good luck 🤞😃
First round I did 15 days, second round 12 days third round 9 days. Third round had the most follicles and eggs collected. Good luck 👍
I stimmed 6 times for 6 fresh cycles.
Average for me since I respond very fast is 7 days (one time I only stimmed for 6 days).
Good luck!
With my first round I did stims for almost 18 days as body didn't respond very well and the outcome was terrible with only 4 eggs and nothing progressing after day 2. Second time I did stims for 9 days, and the third and best round I did stims for 8 days and they've collected 22 eggs which left us with 6 beautiful frozen embryos.
Every cycle is different and our bodies would respond differently. Best of luck with you EC! 🤞🤞🤞🍀🍀🍀🤗🤗🤗
It differed every cycle for me and I think doctors make a decision based on your response to the meds. Some clinics make a decision on how many have reached a certain threshold and some doctors may see a cluster of eggs behind the lead follicle and make you stim for longer to allow them to catch up to the lead follicle.
The number of days for me ranged from 9 to 14 days.
All the best with your cycle x

With an IVF cycle you maximise your chances of success by making as many mature eggs [contained within the follicles] as possible. Stim phase can vary from person to person - it can take longer if your follicles are slow to grow to the correct size Take care and good luck with treatment cycle