Today is my 43th birthday. I always wanted to be a mom. This was my last cycle with clomid and trigger shot. 11 dpo today and tested negative… I thought I would get the biggest present of all. Was pregnant 9 years ago, but it ended on miscarriage around 11 weeks it wast the most traumatic experience I have ever had. Know I have to choose if I try IFV or just stop. I believe the statistics say only 9% of my age get pregnant. Also have to consider the financial aspect (it is expensive) and the mental stability… it is so difficult! Hugs and kisses to all, may all of you be blessed with a precious baby 🤍
Turning point: Today is my 43th... - Fertility Network UK
Turning point

Hi Ppea, I'm sorry you didn't get the birthday present you wished for - I'm 43, soon to be 44 and still trying ivf and wishing for that miracle .it is expensive and stressful but for me I'd rather be able to say I tried it than live with the what ifs ... Hope it's ok to wish you a happy birthday still!X
I am 42, one thing I don't do is read the stats for my age.
I get annoyed when people tell me about friends who easily got pregnant in their 40s.
I am not avoiding reality - but each case is different, so stats do not help me move forward.
We are on our last cycle of Letrozole and cyclogest before 1 FET transfer in Sept and then that is it for us.
Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
It may not be the route for you as it is a personal preference but we decided to go down the donor egg route and I had a baby at 44 and another at 46. Whatever you decide I really hope that you get your dream. Don’t believe all the statistics either, everyone is different xx
Happy birthday. I also turned 43 a couple of days ago and got a BFN. It's crap, isn't it? Anyway, just wanted to tell you that you are not alone. Have you considered donor eggs? The chances increase significantly. Just a thought.
Hello Ladies, I feel all your pain and wish i could make your dreams come true. I too am 42 going on 43 soon. I have tried IVF and haven't given up hope. My aim is to go again to Greece in Sep and try PRP (platlett rich plasma) process, wake up my dormant follicles and pray for a success. I have been to Greece 7 x already trying with my own eggs. I still have faith it will happen for me and hopefully us all. stay positive xx
Thank you so much for your reply! What a spirit!!! Best of luck to you in Greece 🤍
Hi I'm 42 and had my first at 40 and going f9r another soon, will hopefully be 43 or 44 giving birth. I found that fir me, with fibroids and endo, naturopathy diet worked for me. Yes I still needed ivf but that's because I was single.I went gluten free, sugar free, and dairy free amongst a couple other things.. I think you could try ivf with a donor egg perhaps. Good luck and happiness either way you decide.
Thank you so much for your reply! So happy that you are going to try again, best of luck to you too 🤍