Hello lovely ladies
Just a quick update - I contacted my new midwife and explained to her my devastating missed miscarriage last year at 11 weeks and that even tho my anxiety has not been half as bad as it was last year, that creeping up to the time i noticed my pregnancy symptoms fading with my last pregnancy, my anxiety has started to get really bad. So she thankfully referred me for a scan today to help . I was so nervous and worried that something would be wrong, I started crying to the lovely lady doing the scan just before we started and she was just so caring and reassuring...she said everything is looking excellent! I should be 9 weeks today but baby is measuring 9+3 😁 still feels so surreal that this has happened naturally, when I was given very slim odds of this ever happening...and especially after all the years of painful and stressful IVF. Never thought this day would come..I had almost comes to terms with the fact I was never going to be a mum. Just feeling so lucky and so very greatful..I feel like this might just be my rainbow baby 🌈💕 so ladies...dreams really can come true! 😁❤🤗💕