At cracking point : So after getting... - Fertility Network UK

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At cracking point

27 Replies

So after getting faint postive in February it's all gone down hill from there .

I've had 2 scans telling me I'm not pregnant and they told me to stop pessarys last Wednesday.... bloods are showing hgc levels have raised from 28 to 38 to 98 to 358 then to 400 on Friday so sent me for another scan today.

So today they have informed me at scan I know have a sack growing and I need to start pessarys again ...... Saturday I started spotting and now I'm on a full scale bleed. When I said at early pregnancy unit I was bleeding they shrugged it off and said people bleed in pregnancy.

She said even if there's a 1% chance the pregnancy will work we have to give it a shot...... go back for another scan on 22nd March.

I'm so sick I'm sure there just stringing me along I only have feeling of negativity about this ....... I personally think there is 0 chance of working.

Are they just pushing me to cracking point!

27 Replies

Aaah hon I really feel for you :( I've never fallen pregnant so have no useful advice. Just to say I'm thinking and praying that you get great news xx

in reply to

Thank you, but I've just got in from work and had a massive bleed, I think from what I've found I've miscarried what ever they seen on scan this morning .

Will ring early pregnancy clinic in morning. Xx

Sorry won't cut it so sending you a massive hug and squeeze xx

in reply to

Thank you x

Tlove profile image

Crazy cat, hope you've been OK overnight. See if you get yourself seen in the morning at the epu to check things for you. Sending hugs, make sure you take care of yourself. x

in reply to Tlove

Thank you. my husband made me ring the emergency number last night, they told me to ring back in morning for clinic as I'd stopped bleeding heavily, when I said I think I've passed whatever they'd seen on scan she said it sounds like that's highly likely.

We actually go away Wednesday which is definitely what I need now xx

Tlove profile image
Tlove in reply to

Good luck at the clinic today. Hope you can enjoy some time with your hubby during your break, it's tough for the men too but they don't always show it. It will be good for you both to get away for a while. x

Maria-Louisa profile image

Big hugs Crazy Cat, hope you're OK, sounds like good timing for a holiday take care of yourself and each other honey xxx

in reply to Maria-Louisa

Thank you. I'm coping and now focusing on holiday xx

Hollibob profile image

It's a constant battle....sorry to hear you are still going through this journey.

Have they mentioned another blood test too as they'll need to ensure the levels change?

in reply to Hollibob

Just rang the epac unit I have to go in for yet another scan..... I'm sure they could tell off a blood test like you say. My last blood test was Friday which it had raised again.

They've caused so much stress over this. I'm sure if it was a natural pregancy they wouldn't put me through all this.

Hollibob profile image
Hollibob in reply to

They probably wouldn't, but I guess they are just trying to make sure you are not at any risk from an ectopic and things like that.

Are you going to ask to have the repeat bloods done if you are going in for scan anyway?.... as the scans don't sound to have been that great so far...

in reply to Hollibob

Yeah I will ask for a blood test as well.

No been rubbish at scans been told different things every time !


Tlove profile image
Tlove in reply to

They normally scan at this stage to check the lining and to see if there is tissue remaining. They normally also ask you back in a week's time as well to confirm the thickness of lining. It's not pleasant going in there for a scan at this stage but it's normal for them to do this. I hope you can take your husband with you for the scan, you may need him for support. x

in reply to Tlove

To be honest I've been through so many scans and been told that many different things I've totally turned off to them. I just want them to leave me alone. Yeah hubby going with he's been a God send xx

pm27 profile image

Really sorry to hear you've been through so much stress.

Take care & relax whilst you are away.

in reply to pm27

Thank you I'm sure if it was a natural pregancy they wouldn't of done all this messing about.

Holiday will be a God send xx

Look after yourself xxx

in reply to

Thank you xx

JessR profile image

I'm so sorry- sounds awful. I have recently miscarried at 8.5 weeks so I understand. A holiday is exactly what you need. X

in reply to JessR

Thank you so sorry for your loss, yes it is awful but it's officially over now 😢.

Constraining on packing and getting ready to leave now xx

JessR profile image
JessR in reply to

Great timing for your holidays. Hope you are going somewhere lovely. We cancelled a holiday over Easter when I first started bleeding because clinic and GP advised that while baby looked ok I probably shouldn't fly. Baby died the next day...... This is my second miscarriage and I've had four rounds of IVF in between.....

So we rebooked the holiday and I am very much looking forward to getting away- it's with friends who don't have kids as well so will be a good distraction. I'm struggling to function right now.

Have a good trip and let's look forward to better days ahead.

in reply to JessR

Awww gosh sounds like you've had a rough time too. It's just awful isn't it. we are going to crufts and then to the lake district for a week to switch off. It's our 2nd wedding anniversary on the 15th and the lakes is sort of tradition.

Glad you got your holiday rebooked it sounds lovely, I hope your holiday helps you feel better and stay strong xx

Massive hugs ladies 😘

in reply to

Thank you

randall55 profile image

Oh crazy cat sounds horrific sending baby dust and praying you get answers xx

in reply to randall55

Thank you we are slowly picking up the pieces and thinking about round 2 x

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