Hello all ❤️ here back again about to start my second egg retrieval stims. I will be starting on gonal F and menopur daily and I forgot to ask if I should take both gonal F and menopur on one side on one day and then on the other side the next day or if I should take them on separate sides every day ( one left and one right and I alternate the sides with each day). What are your thoughts?
Start of second egg retrieval stims - Fertility Network UK
Start of second egg retrieval stims

I would ask the clinic. My one has an app. I have had two collections and they just said do it near belly button no direction to which side . Good luck!!
I don't think it really matters they just sat to vary injection site so you don't end up damaging skin/tissue by injecting the same spot everytime. But if you feel unsure ask your clinic.
I had exactly the same medication prescribed for my last round. I was advised to take the injections on one side leaving a two finger gap between each injection site. Then alternate to the other side the next day. I usually started quite close to my belly button and work outwards. You will need to add a 3rd injection to stop ovulation so it can get a bit much but it is manageable.
This system meant I never injected in the same place twice. I also never ended up with any bruises. To be honest I don’t bruise easily still this method allowed my injection sites time to heal.
All the best with this cycle x