Whilst in the middle of my pre- transfer accupuncture session this morning I got the dreaded phone call. The embryologist explained our one and only embryo has not divided as it should and is showing signs of fragmentation therefore my transfer today has been cancelled. Of course I am distraught, even my acupuncturist was in tears 😭
This is a first for us, guess I just have to accept sometimes you get a bad cycle?
On Thursday we have an appointment with our consultant and top of my list of questions will be why did she prescribe Menopur instead of Gonal f ? Why change something that worked first time ?
My first cycle with gonal f, collected 8 eggs with 3 viable embryos, aged 39 = 1 live birth. Second cycle they had me on Benfola, collected 5 eggs, 3 were viable embryos, aged 42 = BFP but sadly ended in miscarriage.
I have never taken much notice of the brands of the FSH drugs, they have never been explained to me in any detail. If I ever questioned this I was always told they all do the same. My research tells me no ....Menopur is different to Gonal f as has LH as well as FSH, am obviously questioning the choice of the FSH drug this time since only 1 egg collected. I have been told by a Nurse they will give me gonal f the next time but I don’t have time on my side, wish I insisted on gonal f in beginning of this cycle but I trusted their choice.
The nurse feels would’ve made no difference ? Anyone had similar happen or can offer me any advice please ?
Being 43 now I do accept this could be an age factor and this may be the end of the road for us, however had I been on gonal f I could accept this being the case.