IVF round 2..... 4 years on! - Fertility Network UK

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IVF round 2..... 4 years on!

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7 Replies

I have had a break from posting on here since our last FET in February, but I'm now gearing up for our IVF cycle in July. I can't quite believe I am here really. I had my son via our first IVF round (he was a fresh transfer) and had 7 little frozen embryos. I never imagined I'd be doing a full round again. But after 4 failed transfers and the remaining embryos being PGT-A tested (2 didn't make it to biopsy, they deteriorated on de-frost and the other was chromosomally abnormal) we are back here again! I will be 35 in July with a 3.5 year old toddler, so a different picture to when I did this last time...

I have just had my bloods done to re-test my AMH levels to see if we adjust the meds this time or leave on same protocol as last time. I have been taking all my supplements and trying to eat those fertility friendly foods but I have to say, I am finding it hard to really be as prepped as I was last time. I have an extremely busy job which is quite stressful, so I am worried about the cycle and being able to remain as stress free as possible. My personal challenge to myself is to get back into yoga and walking over the next month in the lead up, so that I feel physically ready. I am nervous about it all.

I guess I am curious if any other ladies who have had a similar gap in cycles (4 years) saw a big change in protocol/dose of meds? I was on 225 Menopur last time (can't remember any others!)

We plan to do a fresh transfer again with the best embryo, as that is what worked to have my son. And then freeze the other embryos if we have any. They are asking if we will have them PGT-A tested (as it would make sense to do that before freeze) but I don't know what to do, because if the fresh transfer works, that will complete our family and we won't use the others, so might be a waste of money. My current thinking is we just freeze them and decide later, but I also know the added risk of a double freeze. Some very tough decisions. This is hard :(

But keeping positive and happy to be back on here again following along on others journeys too x

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7 Replies
DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi IuVFmumma. Oh ut's so much to take on board, I suppose even a natural cycle could be on the cards. All I can say, if your son was born by C-section, make sure your Fallopian tubes are still open so they don't interfere with implantation. I shall be thinking of you as you both make decisions. Diane

IVFmumma profile image
IVFmumma in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks so much Diane! All the decision making is exhausting isn't it. I didn't have a c section with my son, so hopefully all is still well with my tubes etc. I am looking forward to the next stage of planning - I have never tried a natural cycle so maybe something to explore. X

Muppett85 profile image

Hi,It's so difficult to know what the best thing to do is especially with how expensive everything is. I don't have any experience or advice regarding the PGT testing I'm afraid.

I'm 37 and have a 2 year old, she was our first ICSI round (long protocol) and we had nothing to freeze. We've just done our first fresh cycle to try and have a sibling which unfortunately didnt stick. We only had 1 embryo to implant at 5 days. I was put on a short cycle this time and my numbers were rubbish compared to the long cycle. I had 6 embryos make it to day 5 the first time, although none were good enough to freeze. This time only 2 fertilised and only 1 made it to day 5 which was so disappointing. We are trying again end of June/beginning of July (I need to speak to the nurse for definite timings) and will be put on the long cycle again so hopefully there will be more than 1 embryo to choose from this time.

I'm finding it really difficult to stay active and eat healthy like the first time. I used to work full time, do 2 HIIT classes a week, pole fitness once a week and a couple of gym sessions. Im no where near as active as I was apart from when I'm at work or running around after my 2 year old. Trying to juggle everything and add in fertility treatment as well it's exaughsting.

Good luck for your next cycle x

IVFmumma profile image
IVFmumma in reply to Muppett85

Hi Muppett, ah we are in similar boats! I also feel like my general fitness, lifestyle and health is really different this time. Before my first cycle 4 years ago, I was having no booze, only decaf coffee/tea etc, a green smoothie a day. These days I'm generally just really tired from my stressful job (I work 4 days a week so am lucky I guess not to be full time). It's so hard. I tried to set myself a challenge of 10,000 steps a day and today I managed 6,000 and it took a walk at lunch and then this evening. I work from home full time so barely leave the house other than nursery drop which is a drive away. I have about a month to step it up a bit so really going to try!

I'm worried how I'll fit in my appointments with work. I might treat myself to some sick days. I've not taken a sick day in 3 years.

Sounds like we might have similar timing for cycle - I think I'll be starting stims early July. Sounds the long protocol is better suited to you so all my fingers crossed for a more successful round for you next one! I was in short protocol last time and think I will be again.

Let's keep in touch x

zytajones profile image

Hi IVFmumma,I think my story is a somehow similar to yours but unfortunately with no happy ending.

I had an IVF back in 2016 (long protocol on 225 gonal-f dose) and they retrieved 7 eggs and 5 made it to very good quality 5 day blasts. They transferred 1 and it stick and that's my 5.5 years old son. 4 more have been frozen. My AMH at this stage was low (much lower then it should be for my age. I suffer from endometriosis and 6 months prior IVF I had a laparoscopy to remove it. I think this helped and make the embryo to stick.

Just before we wanted to start FET I fell pregnant naturally (a miracle!) but this end up as an ectopic pregnancy and I ended up in an emergency surgery and lost 1 of my tube. Also during surgery they discovered that my endometriosis came back and it's severe.

We transferred all 4 embryos 1 by 1, number 2 and 3 stick but I miscarried both early, around 5-6 weeks.

I would never imagine that I will have to start IVF cycle from scratch. They checked my AMH and it very dramatically went down from last time and it's super low for my age (I was almost 38 at this point). It's 0.9pmol/l (0.126ng/mL). So we knew I will not produce many eggs. They put me on long protocol again as I did respond OK last time. I was on Ovaleap 450 dose. They collected 4 eggs and 2 made to 5 days very good quality blasts. We never wanted to test it genetically. Transferred 1 by 1 again - but didn't stick this time.

Another fresh round, exactly the same protocol, I was taking supplements prior to try to boost egg quality (Ubiquinol and DHEA)......and it had to be cancelled just before egg collection as I got Covid. It did look like they could harvest around 6 eggs.

Started again, as soon as I could, the same long protocol again, and they did collected 4 eggs again, 2 made it to 5 days very good quality blast and 1 is in the freezer but no great quality. We transferred 2 this time - but they didn't stick again. I was nearly 39 at the last egg collection.

We still have this one remaining embryo in the freezer which we are going to transfer soon (if it will survive the thaw) but I do not have my hopes high. I do not think it will work for us and also we decided that we are not going to try again. The whole IVF process is just to painful, physically, mentally. I'm just really tired.

Because it was so "easy" to have my son I thought that trying for a sibling will be a similar case. Would never imagine we will have to go through so much and also that it will not end up as we were hoping for.

I really hope you will not repeat my story, I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart! I also can't help with the decision as I never tested mine. I just wanted to share my story as it's quite similar to yours :)

IVFmumma profile image
IVFmumma in reply to zytajones

Hi Zytajones ♥️ Thank you so much for sharing your story. Gosh, you've been through so much. I was completely the same - thought as I had an "easy time" the first time round it would be the same case. I can't believe I'm nearly 18 months down this road again. I'm so sorry for your losses and all the emotional heartache. It really does take its toll.

So tough to make the decision to "call time" on it all, you are very brave. You still have one ray of hope though so please don't give up entirely. I really hope you get your miracle after all you've been through.

It's a crappy journey isn't it. I hope we both get our miracles. Sending love and thanks again for sharing your experience with me x

zytajones profile image

IVF mumma, thanks so much for your kind words. Not sure if I'm brave, every single day I question if that's the right decision. One day I'm super positive that it's best for the whole family, and next day I'm like, no, we are not done here yet

🙈🙈🙈I'm pretty sure you totally understand me :)

And as for healthy lifestyle - I'm not sure I believe in it any longer because no matter what I was doing, the outcome was the same. Actually, the month when I fall pregnant naturally I had a lot of parties with alcohol! 🙈🙈🙈

Don't make me wrong - I am a healthy person in general, exercise and eat healthy on most occasions, but I'm trying to not restrict myself as much as I did, as I believe if the embryo mean to stick, it will, no matter what 😜

Does your workplace now about IVF? Across my IVF journey I had several different managers and what I have learned that each time when I revealed I'm doing IVF they were so much better with me taking time off. Never made any problem and were/are very supportive.

I'm not sure about me but I'm pretty sure you will get there at the end. You are only 35! You still have time, you just need to be patient and mentally strong.

Sending much love and luck towards you! ❤️❤️

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