I just wanted to write a thank you for the support I received from this group when I received my fertility diagnosis last year. The suggestions on books, recommendations of acupuncture, diet etc have been so helpful, and I truly believe had we both not made fundamental changes to our lifestyles and introduction of supplements that we would not have received that miracle pregnancy test at Christmas. I have felt like a cheat and that I have had the easy way out, but I would also love to walk around with a T-shirt telling everybody about our (still existent) fertility issues and how getting pregnant is not as easy as they make out to you in school! That’s really because I have hated seeing pregnant people over the last 9-10 months, but yet I am now someone who those on their fertility journey would also wish to avoid, and have that guilt that I don’t want to make someone else feel awful.
I don’t tell anyone about my pregnancy without explaining the back story, because I feel like there has to be a voice for those that are struggling (albeit my struggle is not even 1% of what many of you have or are still going through). I for sure make it clear that ivf is not a quick fix.
But thank you again, and I really wish everyone the best of luck on their current fertility journeys be that baby 1, 2 or 3 xx