Advice on TTC after an early miscarri... - Fertility Network UK

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Advice on TTC after an early miscarriage.

β€’47 Replies

First of thank you for your support I am so touched by the kind comments I received.

There is no evidence of a Pregnancy so the gynae doctor at EPU has said we can try after my next period which she says should arrive 28 days from the miscarriage.

I took Prednisone after positive test and later started on progestone pessaries. Had the pregnancy lasted I'd been taking both those till I was 12 weeks as instructed by my Fertility specialist.

I have both these prescriptions at home waiting for the next time- which I will test early and get those in me straight away.

I had clots with the miscarriage is there any medication I can take to prevent clots from occurring the next time? ( It was the clots that lost my pregnancy).

The early pregnancy unit will inform my Fertility specialist of our loss. And I'm hoping he has some advice or offer of any additional medication I can take to give the baby a fighting chance. If I could make past the 4 week danger point I'm sure my baby would be OK. There have been a few times that I have wondered if I was pregnant....

I am feeling a bunch of emotions- numb, shocked, saddened empty.

I have self referred myself to steps to wellbeing to help me cope better with the loss and this whole journey.

I am grateful to know I can conceive naturally this is huge progress and I know we can do it again. I will take positives and this isn't the end...

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47 Replies
Mantaray75 profile image

Was so so sorry to hear your news. I know some of your pain - it will be a year next week since I miscarried.

Some people have heparin injections to thin the blood to help prevent miscarriage. I'd speak to your fertility specialist about them prescribing it.

Take care of yourself. x

β€’ in reply toMantaray75

Thank you mantraray75

I think I will ask my consultant if he thinks that might help.

I'm so sorry for your loss . xoxo

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzieβ€’ in reply to

Some people also take baby aspirin and some people are prescribed clexane.

Littlecaz profile image
Littlecazβ€’ in reply toLizzielizzielizzie

I was prescribed both of these - for both IVF and a natural conception - and stayed on them both to 36 weeks xx

LG10 profile image

Hi Jess. Sorry don't know much about any other meds but Just wanted to say I have been thinking about you alot. There are really no words. Sending you lots of love. Give yourself plenty of time to allow yourself to process everything whatever way you need to. Hope you have good support hun xxx

β€’ in reply toLG10

Thank you for the kind words I appreciate it. xoxo

Lou9 profile image

Hi Jess, I've been thinking about you a lot over the weekend. I was so sorry to hear your news. Pregnancy loss is one of the most difficult things to deal with and can trigger lots of emotions and feelings, it certainly did for me. Going to speak to someone sounds like a really good idea. I hope you find someone who you click with and trust. You know we are all here for you in the meantime. πŸ’

I can't offer any advice with regards to medication unfortunately. The only thing I can think of is I posted this link last week about a breakthrough study in Australia which has found a link between early miscarriage/birth defects and lack of Vitamin B3 (Niacin):

Although the women in the study were taking supplements with B3 in them, they were still deficient and required a higher dose. My miscarriage counsellor has emailed for more information and I will update you if she finds out about dosage, etc. I have started taking 100mg on top of my other vitamins in the meantime.

Don't know if it will be of any help and I'm in no way saying it's the reason for your sad loss or a cure going forward but thought I'd share it anyway.

Please look after yourself and take the time you need to grieve and process your loss. Take care lovely lady. Xx

β€’ in reply toLou9

Definitely worth looking into. I'm vegetarian so I may lack that vitamin.

This information on here is helpful- I am going to speak to my GP and see what else I can do and I might speak to my Fertility specialist too.

So many medics are so blaise to misscarrige it happens no reason.

I refuse my babys death to be in vain.

I am also very sorry to hear you've suffered this loss it is the worst pain I've experienced.

Thank you for the reply and it's very sweet you've thought of me I'm touched. xoxo

Lilli79 profile image
Lilli79β€’ in reply to

Hi Jess I'm really sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I noticed that you said you were vegetarian, I am also vegetarian (mostly vegan) - I take the full pregnancy/conception vitamin supplements (not just the folic acid) as they contain everything you need, including niacin. I also ensure to get a lot of vitamin rich foods (nuts, veg, pulses etc). Not sure what you are taking but boots and superdrug both do inexpensive versions of the multivitamins. I do think clinic nurses should check our diets as they are very important, and I was only advised to take folic acid, and they never once asked me if I had a specific diet. I do hope you can find some answers, take care of yourself xxx

β€’ in reply toLilli79

Thank you I take pregnacare as well as folic acid - it's safe during pregnancy. My diet is well balanced.

I appreciate the kind words xoxo

Fredaflintstone profile image

So sorry to hear Jess. Sounds like you are being so strong. Did the doc say the clots were relevant? I had those after my ET failed too bit my doc didn't mention them. Good idea to get counselling. I did after ours and found it helped. Sending you big hugs xxx

β€’ in reply toFredaflintstone

No not at all but the blood clots were the only time I lost blood to me they're the cause of the loss. I will discuss this with the medics.

Thank you- I'm not that strong! Its hit me very hard but I'm trying to get my practical head on.

I'm really sorry to hear of your loss it's heartbreaking πŸ’”

I'm sorry I haven't been here and I hope you are feeling s little better now. You are appreciated here by many 😊 xoxo

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstoneβ€’ in reply to

Hi Jess ours was a bfn rather than anything else. Hard but not as hard as what you are facing. I think you're being remarkable. Sometimes it helps to plan next steps - it helped me. We wrote a long list of questions and emailed them to our clinic before our follow up and they went through them all with us. Hopefully they will be able to adjust something to mean it will work for you next time. I'm much better today - was just having a wobble I think, thank you xxxx

β€’ in reply toFredaflintstone

Not at all it's all relative. A loss is a loss. when your embryo was put into you it is a loss of what could have been. No one's loss is less..

Good days bad days I think we are all strong how we keep going through this process.

But this won't stop us it just made us angry and more determined to keep going. Its almost f*** you infertility. Obviously really sad this wasn't to be but we said before the scan its not the end... xoxo

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstoneβ€’ in reply to

That's it - we are strong and we can do this! Look after yourselves. One day at a time and one day will be our day xxx

Hi Jess, so sorry to hear of your loss. I also had an early miscarriage and it's just devastating, especially when you've been trying for a while.

Have you had any auto immune tests done? They can test for blood clotting disorders, high natural killer cells, etc. In terms of medication you could have Clexane injections at the appropriate time (I had them after transfer in IVF) and you could consider the intralipids drip, which is supposed to suppress the immune system and any auto immune issues like clotting. I think you probably were, but also take aspirin daily and start your prednisolone earlier (before a pregnancy).

Best of luck and hope that helps!

Natalie x

β€’ in reply to

Hi Natalie.

I had NK cells tested last year and it was only slightly raised at 12%. My Fertility specialist said it wasn't enough to prevent conception ( he was right I did fall) but he would issue Prednisone to take during the early weeks. I also fought GP for progesterone pessaries who relented and fertility consultant agreed it was a good idea but I didn't take them till after the bleeding has was the clots that caused the loss- I bled with clots. In my mind the clots caused the loss. I'll be interested to see my Fertility specialist response to this loss.

Your advice is really good and I will ask my GP and consultant about this.

I'm sorry to hear you've suffered this awful loss too.xoxo

Leesara profile image

So sorry about your news. Sending hugs and strength your way oxo

β€’ in reply toLeesara

Thank you lovely I appreciate it xoxo

Amanda86 profile image

Was very sorry to read your news Jess. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you xxx

β€’ in reply toAmanda86

Thank you Amanda86 that's very kind of you xoxo

Jhenderson profile image

So sorry Jess. Xx

Thank you xoxo

Rosa2017 profile image

Hi Jess,

I have had a very similar situation to you, it's really heart breaking. It is an emotional rollercoaster but it will happen for us. I had a mc at 5/6 weeks and didn't realise how much it did affect me.

I decided at my own decision to start 75mg aspirin daily (confirmed it with my GP - and he was happy for me to do this). It will increase your circulation to the reproductive organs and he said it can't do any harm, so check with your GP.

I have had a failed iui and waiting to test tomorrow for my second round of iui, although I have never been tested for NK cells before so that's something I may ask about as like yourself I feel I have been pregnant a few times but never made it past 4 weeks :(

Thoughts are with you xx 😘 be strong xx

β€’ in reply toRosa2017

I think I will ask especially as I have a proven miscarriage. Having been through this misscarrige , i now think there were a few times it did happen- no proof...

A lot of ladies have advised the low dose aspirin-will check with GP.

I also have endometriosis ( which was treated in June,) I'm on a time limit to fall..

If you are considering NK cells test- it is worth asking your consultant which test they prefer- it's either the biopsy or blood test. It is also a private test - NHS don't fund it. Ours cost Β£400 our consultant- I have to take Prednisone during pregnancy. The NHS will fund treatment but not the test.

I lost my pregnancy at four weeks and a half- close to period time that's my danger point.

Im so sorry to hear you've suffered this loss it's heartbreaking πŸ’”

Good luck for test day I hope it's a positive test! xoxo

Rosa2017 profile image
Rosa2017β€’ in reply to

It's such a fragile time those early weeks and you look into every possible reason why the pregnancy didn't make it :( and almost blaming myself

The baby aspirin with thin the blood and improve circulation so worth considering - it improves the lining.

Another thing - lot of people are unable to process folic acid B9 and actually need the natural form which is Folate which is easily absorbed and also helps the quality of the uterine lining. I have stopped folic acid and orders 400 folate - look into it, you would be surprised that folic acid is something that most people do not absorb. A fertility advisor suggested I throw all my folic acid away and take the natural form folate (or methy folate).

I am not hugely positive for my test tomorrow as have had horrific cramps and period pains the last 3 days, it's really hard being optimistic and positive after having been through difficulties


Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzieβ€’ in reply toRosa2017

I was tested for folic acid by my infertility clinic and they told me it's 10 percent of Caucasian women who don't process folic acid normally. I found that really interesting.

Rosa2017 profile image
Rosa2017β€’ in reply toLizzielizzielizzie

Yes it is, it's safer to just take the folate form !

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Hi Jess sorry for your loss hun. Big hugs πŸ€—. I was told I could start trying straight away after bleed and to make sure I'm taking supplements. I waited till my next af and started again. I think it's all about when you feel ready. See what your consultant says get everything ready for when you conceive again. Give yourself time to grieve. And remember stress is bad hormones and positivity relaxing and happiness is good hormones what we need to help us get pregnant and hopefully stay. I read something yesterday that said your body knows when it can hold a pregnancy and stress doesn't create the right environment but a relaxed stress free body does. I know it's easier said than done. But I find this something that really helps me remember how bad stress is for us. I hope your OK and wishing you all the best hun, stay strong πŸ’ͺ xxx

β€’ in reply toAllWeNeedIsluv

As there is no content left I can try after my next period which is soon. My endo was treated and I don't want it to hinder so I need to get back on it ASAP. I have faith it will happen again and I do believe that we can and will conceive. I take positive out of it,- it's huge progress conceiving naturally in six years of not, we don't need help we can do it- the problem was endo which is sorted now.i think that will carry us forward. Obviously I'm sad for what could've been but I won't let that stop me. I will have counseling to release the feelings and I will move on. I will test two weeks after ovulation to get that awful is my period coming shit out the way that part is stressful. Right now I'm cramping and I'm hoping my period is coming so I can try again. I want to give it the best chance by doing all I can. Hopefully my consultant will write to us and offer advice. Thank you for the kind words and I agree stress is really bad xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluvβ€’ in reply to

Good luck hun. It's true it will happen again and your right it's as much a positive as it hasn't happened for such a long time. Im in exact same boat even though we're obviously upset over our loss its more than what happened in 2.5 years so it's a, major positive and it will happen again just hopefully this time itv will stick. Good luck hun hope it happens, very soon. Take care xx

Cyantist profile image

Im so sorry to hear your news jess. I took enoxaparin which is a blood thinner throughout my icsi cycle and I'm convinced this helped me. I think lack of blood flow to my uterus might have played a huge part in why I never conceived in 10 years so definitely mention this to your consultant and take care of yourself x

Aleelilook profile image

Oh jess it is so bloody hard, its suffocating at times, but you will get there xx I was told to take baby aspirin during my last round as I had a subchorionic bleed, and it prevents clots. I hope you're taking things easy xxxxx

Rainbow_86 profile image

Thinking of you at this awful time.... it's just so unbelievably cruel for words xxx

β€’ in reply toRainbow_86

Thank you this journey is cruel. I feel sorry for us all and hope we all get our happy endings. xoxo

Rainbow_86 profile image
Rainbow_86β€’ in reply to

It is so sad. I agree. The heartbreak and sadness between everyone seems so unfair... hope you get time to heal and take care of yourself till you try again. I'm so sorry x

Thank you Aleelillook. I just want to feel like I've given the next one a better chance. I think I'll ask bout baby aspirin lots of people are recommending it. The clots lost my pregnancy.

I'm sorry you've been through this xoxo

Se99 profile image

Hi jess, again so sorry. I have been prescribed high strength folic acid (5mg) and vitamin d (calci chew), told not too take pregnancy vitamins as I have enough with what I'm taking. Then when I start my fet I'll be taking baby aspirin and heparin (blood thinner injections). Worth discussing with your consultant? I'm still waiting for AF following my mmc so don't rush things, try to plan some fun things in and take time to heal x

I haven't got an appointment with our consultant-our last fertility appointment we announced our Pregnancy. Feel like an idiot now. As I have had endo treated I'm on a time limit to get pregnant before it may grow back. As soon as the next period ends we are trying again. I desperately want to fall again and luckily the contents of the pregnancy are not there so there's no reason not to try. I just hope life isn't cruel again to us. Right now I am grieving it is hard and I hope counseling will help me cope better.

The EPU will inform my Fertility specialist and I hope he has suggestions to improve the next outcome. πŸ˜₯

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss it's devastating. All the best with the Fet xoxo

Hannah143 profile image

So sorry for your loss, it's such an awful time for you guys, but good to see you are looking towards the future. 🌈😘

I take baby aspirin every day alongside my vitamins, all the time I'm not in 2ww. Whilst in 2ww they put me on Heparin/Clexane injection x 1 a day which is a blood thinner. I would take that up to 3 months of a pregnancy and potentially full term.

If you speak to your clinic about Heparin they can add this into your cycle.

Thinking of you xx

β€’ in reply toHannah143

Thank you. We weren't actually having treatment- we just fell after my endometriosis was treated. I have ordered some low dose aspirin which I will clear with either my GP or fertility consultant. I will ask if there is anything else I can take. I have been advised by my fertility consultant to take prednisolone 5mgx 2 and progesterone pessaries 200mg twice daily which I was taking and if I had not lost the pregnancy would've taken both till 12 weeks. After my next period its game on this wont beat me!!! If anything its made us more determined... All the best to you xoxo

Hannah143 profile image
Hannah143β€’ in reply to

Yes I know, I've been following your story for a long time now. I can feel your strength πŸ’ͺ. Good luck to you Jess xx

Mariec7 profile image

Hi Jess,

I have been following your posts. I took a break for a couple of days, needed to get my head around all the information I read on the forums. I have just logged back in and I came back to your news. I am so sad. I am 35 too and I know all too well the heart break of miscarriages. I may have mentioned it already but I am seeing a miscarriage consultant. I have not read the other posts on here yet but it might be worth seeing if you can see someone who specialises in this field. I also just ordered a book on amazon called "It starts with the egg". You might have seen it already but the reviews were very good and apparently the author deals with miscarriages too. I am in the same boat as you Jess. I literally just ordered the book with all the hope in the world that there will be something in it that I have missed. It arrives tomorrow and that's how I'll spend the evening, searching the book for advice! We can only do what we can. I took a break after my last attempt because I sunk quite low after. I needed to re-evaluate how I was going to approach my next cycle. I am so emotional today after reading your news. Every time i read a similar post it brings back those difficult emotions. I wish you and your husband lots of love and I am thinking of you xxxxx

β€’ in reply toMariec7

Thank you for such a lovely reply

. I have self refereed to a "steps to wellbeing" and if they aren't right I hope they can point me in the right direction. One moment I feel ok another time I set off in tears.

I am finding it difficult but I am trying to remain positive and see the good- I got pregnant without help huge progress!!!

Its crazy what we do- when you think of others doing so many things wrong and just fall urgh..

I am hoping our consultant will recommend stuff to take/do- he has been pretty good to us- hes recommended I take prednisolone and progesterone pessaries during the early weeks. We will see.

I ordered some baby aspirin and will confirm its ok to take. I guess its normal to want answers for the loss.

This wont beat us- we will not stop till we have our baby. It has given us hope that it can happen- we needed that.

I wish you the best for your next cycle xoxo

Mariec7 profile image
Mariec7β€’ in reply to

Thank you Jess. It is hard to stay positive. Something I have to work on xx

Shamrock16 profile image

I'm so sorry for your loss. It makes me so angry that there is so little support for women after miscarriage. I found it very traumatic - I had 2 natural miscarriages and then a rainbow baby in 2014 🌈 At my GP appt re first pregnancy the GP even said to me "don't be surprised if you misscarry, it's very common" - great advice, and then f*** all. During my second miscarriage I reluctantly ended up in a&e on a sat night and heard the dr say behind the curtain "she's pregnant and paranoid"!! I'm still traumatised from it all, pregnant now after ivf and I'm going to the toilet every half an hour to check for bleeding. That is a very long winded way of saying I totally empathise with you and am so angry that you have to advocate for yourself at such a vulnerable time. But we are all here for you and collectively have a hell of a lot of experience!

Anyway, fast forward to advice I've been given now that might help you with where to go next : i took baby aspirin from start of down reg until EC. Since EC I have been on clexane. I'm also on prednisilone , progesterone & progynova (but I think that's because of the ivf and down reg)

You can get pregnant naturally which is a huge πŸ‘ and you are very fertile after a pregnancy so I hope you get your rainbow soon. Take care. Big hugs xx

Thank you and I'm so sorry you've been through this. I can't believe how you got treated in A&E that's terrible. I'm happy to see you're pregnant again and I wish you well with it.

There is a lack of support for miscarriage- the helpline is only available mon- Fri!!!

The staff at EPU were nice but there was a lack of information given. I was told to expect my period 28 days after the miscarriage. As there was no remains of a Pregnancy I can try after my period. Bless the junior Dr she was nearly in tears when I cried.

There was this awful chav family there- mum and daughter that looked about 13 pregnant and her babys dad was so disinterested he walked out of EPU because he wasn't allowed on his phone when she was scanned she came out loudly telling her family shed seen her babys heartbeat and just before that I'd been told nothing left of my wanted baby. It felt so unfair. Urgh....

I have self referred myself to get some counseling to help me live with this loss.

I do take great hope from the fact we can get pregnant. This isn't the end.

I have Prednisone and progesterone pessaries ready to take the next time.

I'm hoping my consultant might decide on additional medication to support it better-he gave us a whopping 96% chance of this pregnancy going full term- it didn't. EPU are informing him of our loss,- every time I say I burst into tears.xoxo

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