Hi everyone,
Just wondered if anyone has bled throughout their early pregnancy and it has all been ok?
I had a FET on 21st Jan and got a positive the 31st.
I had a massive bleed on 13th Feb at about 6 weeks pregnant. I ended up at the EPU with blood loss and checked over. She said my cervix was only slightly open but it was lower down than it should be. I was sent home to ride it out. I went for bloods and they came back at 20200. Repeat bloods came back 2 days later at 33800. Because they had gone up, I was then sent for a scan on the 18th Feb which showed the baby with a heart beat measuring 6+4. She said she couldn’t see a reason for a bleed and told to just carry on like normal. The bleeding had stopped at this point.
Today tho, I’ve started bleeding again! No where near as bad but still enough to concern me. I will ring the clinic again tomorrow but I just wondered if anyone else has had this and gone on to be successful?
Also, my dilemma is, so I get signed off work on the sick for 6 weeks to then see if it stops when/if I get to 12 weeks?
It’s all such a worry.
Thanks so much for reading xx