Hi all, had my third embryo transfer at the end of October (2xfrozen D5 blastocysts). We then got our first ever positive test. However following this I have now had four separate bleeds. I have been seen at my local early pregnancy assessment clinic and was found to have twins and no sign of cause of bleeding. Was back again today after another bleed and twins are still ok and matching dates of 7 weeks. Now this evening I am bleeding again. It is just never ending and in constant state of thinking I’m miscarrying. Great that scan was ok and they can’t see anything bad causing bleeding but why does it keep happening?! Has anyone else had similar?
Positive test but now recurrent bleeding - Fertility Network UK
Positive test but now recurrent bleeding

No advice I'm afraid, just wanted to say I hope it settles down. After all we go through to get to this point it seems so unfair to have even more stress.
Wishing you all the best xxx
I've had some bleeding too (I'm about 5.5 weeks) and it's so horrible and stressful. I really sympathise. I think the fact that your scans have been fine and your twins (yay!) are both looking good sounds really promising and is def the thing to focus on. Apparently bleeding is very common in first trimester and they often don't know the reason, but I've seen lots of ladies post on here that it happened to them and all was still fine. Sending hugs xx
I can understand the dread when you see bleeding any more than a few drops of spotting during the 2WW after transfer. How much bleeding you're having, I assume more than a light stream which is why you got startled and worried on the first place? It's great news that the scans say that the twins are very much okay. Can't say much really than try to be optimistic and not to stress up. I know it's way easy to say that being out there experiencing it all and still holding onto the relaxed mode. But then stress is evil and has the power to jeopardize the chance you have of success so please you've got to calm down somehow no matter how impossible it might seem. Well, some people do bleed lightly but infrequently when pregnant and yet end up delivering healthy babies. Keep a watchful eye, for the time being, is all I can say besides emphasising on you relaxing a bit. Wish you good luck and hope for the bleeding to not appear again (fingers crossed).
How much bleeding is there? Quite a few people have had this and all been well. If you don't get response here you could try posting on the nct site - a lot of people move there once they have their BFP. It's so good that you have had positive scans. Some people get bleeding from irritation from the pessaries, others from changing hormones. I hope things settle down for you. If you are doing pessaries, can you move to back passage? Xxx
Congratulations on the twins. That’s amazing. A little bleeding in early pregnancy seems completely normal, though terrifying. It isn’t fair that you can’t just enjoy being pregnant after ivf but hopefully you feel a lot more reassured after your scan yesterday. Fingers crossed it settles soon xx
Yes I had lots of spotting between 6-12 weeks & my scans showed no obvious reason for bleeding. Like you my baby is measuring well!
It is so stressful to see any blood, it robbed me of enjoying my pregnancy. I have felt better since I had the 12 week scan which I think every women is grateful to get to that milestone. I’m now coming up 14 weeks & everything is fine.
I know so many ladies that have had spotting & been okay- my mum with me & my sister, my sister with both children, my sister in law with my nephew. And I bled with my son & this pregnancy!
When I phoned the midwife which spotting the first question she asked me was if I was having abdominal pain & I didn’t. She said severe abdominal pain is the first sign of a miscarriage. She said only if you are experiencing severe abdominal pain with heavy bleeding should you feel concerned- she did say I could get my GP to refer me for a scan at early pregnancy unit for reassurance but believed I was okay- she was right!
Your cervix is very sensitive in early pregnancy & full of blood so could easily been that. The fact the sonographer can’t find a reason is very positive 👍
My GP signed me off work in the end & was happy to sign me off for as long as I needed. The general advice with any spotting is to to bed rest- my GP put me on total bed rest. Which I think by doing so stopped the spotting & I think it helped by having longer odd work ( before I’d take a day or two & go back & it kept recurring 🤦🏽♀️)
Rest up & I hope it eases soon. xoxo

Thanks your message is really reassuring. Glad yours has settled and hope mine will soon
In my first pregnancy I had very heavy bleeding caused by hematomas. Very common and do not cause a threat unless they are bigger then the baby. I was just told to take it easy and although I developed 3 at 3 different times, they did resolve themselves. You may want to ask because it sounds very similar...they are very unsettling. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.
Lots of women have unexplained bleeding during first trimester ..way more common than we realise. And have successful pregnancies. If you feel well not cramping it's a good sign. I know its scary but each time it stopped for you. can you take some time off to rest ?
I bled on and off from 5 weeks to 11 weeks. Everything from old blood just a little when I wiped to fresh red dripping in to the toilet bowl. I was utterly terrified but every time we ended up in EPAU baby was perfect and totally un-bothered by the bleeding. No cause internally but the consultant thought maybe cervical ectropian. I'm 35 weeks now and the bleeding stopped just before 12. It's much more common than people think. My midwife actually said considering pregnancy is so vascular she is surprised even more women don't bleed! It's horrid and scary but just keep going back EPAU if you feel you need reassurance and try not to worry too much if it's not accompanied by pain and passing clots.
Hey, what's the update? I thought of asking how are you feeling now and has the bleeding stopped... was just thinking about you.
Ah thanks. It was just spotting last night. Seemed to stop and then it’s just started again. Just a small amount so I’m trying not to worry
Yeah as long as it's intensity doesn't get any heavier I guess you better not worry about it much. I was doing some reading on this, though I didn't get anything clearly but I think it could be because of the excess progesterone produced in your system due to the twin pregnancy. It doesn't happen to all women conceiving twins though neither it's the full-proof reason but this could be one possibility. Women get spotting when pregnant on and off.... this I have heard from women. So it's pretty much the same thing. I don't think this will make you feel any relief than the fancy that it's only a light flow but thought it might help. Keep a watchful eye though... like I said before as well just to stay alert. Things will go smooth don't worry. Keep me posted and rest enough.