Is it safe to drink hot chocolate/ & eat chocolate during 2ww? You just read so many articles that say different things.
Hot chocolate : Is it safe to drink hot... - Fertility Network UK
Hot chocolate

Personally I do! I am a bit more conscious though of sugar consumption around transfer time and after, but my personal view is it's more important what you add IN.. my transfer is Tuesday and my focus is eating lots of green leafy veg, bone broth, lots of warming foods, protein etc. If I do that, then the odd hot choc is a nice treat 🥰 good luck in your TWW
Honestly my best tww although it ended in a chemical. I threw the rule book out the window. I literally ate and drank what I wanted when I wanted obv avoiding alcohol. Every other transfer I was so precise in following every rule but I decided I just wasn’t doing that again. I had one coffee every morning I ate lots of protein and drank lots of water other than that I had whatever I wanted xxx good luck xxx
I didn’t eat much sugar before my transfers tbh but for my fourth and success transfer, I gave myself a break. I was eating ice cream because it was summer time and enjoying a bit of chocolate if I fancied it! I’m pregnant after my fourth transfer and a Terrys hot chocolate is a big craving of mine right now 😂
Just make sure you eat a balanced diet and a treat here and there is fine ☺️ Best of luck to you 🍀 xxx
I don’t think it’s an issue as long as you don’t go crazy…. It obviously has sugar and caffeine in it, so don’t over do it, but no need to avoid completely - I ate chocolate throughout my pregnancy including early days, just not huge amounts x
My clinic said not to worry about avoiding things like that (only stuff that’s you’d avoid in pregnancy anyway) it was just more important to get the good stuff in. Ie make sure you eat lots of leafy green veg and good protein, but treat yourself to a piece of cake if that’s what you want. Currently 20 weeks pregnant with my 2nd, so it must be good advice. Good luck! xx
All through my 6 transfers I ate like usual and I don't think it effected the outcome!Have an ivf toddler 5 and currently pregnant from my last transfer
Absolutely 🤗 🍫 ignore the ‘articles’ and just go with your clinics advise xx
Could always have dark chocolate if it’s the sugar content you’re worried about? although like everyone else has said…I doubt a bit of chocolate will make too much difference xx
No idea why it wouldn’t be. Go for it
My IVF clinic advised to follow the NHS advice on foods to avoid in pregnancy. Caffeine is on the list to minimise so a hot chocolate is absolutely fine as the caffeine content is low.
As others have said, the main thing is to have a balanced diet. During my 2WW I did have take a couple of and ate junk food whilst travelling on the motorway as we were moving. It did not affect my outcome. I have a daughter who is 3 weeks old. I cut out coffee but had hot chocolate and introduced a cup of tea during the second trimester.
I’m a stress eater and found IVF the most stressful experience of my life. So I spent the whole time both stressed and riddled with guilt about what I was eating. I had 100% success rate with blasto transfers resulting in my 3 beautiful children. A dr once said to me “if coffee, chocolate, alcohol stopped you getting pregnant no one ever would”. It’s a tough time, do what you need to do.
Completely agree with previous responses - the successful round I went with add in more good stuff and not taking away, whereas I had tried being strict on previous and although we got BFPs, they ended so trying for the 'perfect' diet didn't make any difference and probably just made me a bit more miserable. I have dark chocolate and hot chocolate (with added sugar or honey) and once I started to get bad morning sickness, these were some of the only things I could manage (when alcohol is out, caffeine and a million other things make you sick (and you're feeling sorry for yourself, these and twiglets - random) were a lifesaver!) and everything's been fine so far. If it helps, my Mum said when she was pregnant with me she thought I was a 'series' of hangovers - so although you don't want to overdo it, I wouldn't worry about things like chocolate x
I don't see why not myself especially if it is a full fat version. I was told to ensure I had full fat dairy during the 2WW. I think the avoiding sugar thing is just in the run up to egg collection. Besides you could always get some organic Green & Black's unsweetened cocao powder, make it will full fat milk and then experiment with just adding half a teaspoon of sugar and if that isn't quite sweet enough add another half teaspoon so you are only putting in the minimum to your hot chocolate if you are worried!
Absolutely! But eat something healthy too 😅 Good luck! ✨🙏🏻